
Aaah going to school in a couple of minuntes FREAKED out?

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so im going to a new highschool in a new town where i dont know anyone

im so freaked out........

help me calm down!

how can i stay calm through today?




  1. A lot of other teens are in your exact same place.  If they accept you, great, they're cool, if they reject you, they're a bunch of turds and you don't want to hang with them anyway.  Go you!!!  You can do it!

    Only have positive thoughts today, block out all the negative self-talk.

  2. I was freaked out when I went to my new school, which honestly was just a few weeks ago and I'm still kinda freaked out in different ways.

    Try takeing some deep breathes and just mellow out a bit and go with the flow.

    Hope everything goes well for you

  3. fake confidence and charm. it works for me

  4. Breathe! Remember, it's unlikely you are the only new person there, and the lowest grade (9th or 10th graders, whichever the case may be) are all there for the first time also.

    You'll be fine. Throughout life you'll often have to go to a new place or do something for the first time whether it's a job or some other activity.

    Most of the people there at school are going to be a little nervous with it being a new year and all that...just smile and learn your way around. Before you know it, you'll be making friends and feel right at home. ☺

  5. i like the xanax idea, personally.

  6. Yes. Very freaky.

    I know cause iv been to 3 different high schools in different towns.

    Just breathe, no one is going to eat you, no one will judge you, no one will hate you, just be your self and RELAX!

    You'll be fine, dont worry about trying to make friends, they will come to you and be friends with you. Everyone loves the new person.

    Remember: Breathe.

  7. Just remember that you are not going to be the only new kid there.  When you go into class, be friendly to people and you will make many new friends.  You can always ask people in your classes about the teachers, schedule, start conversations.  This way you can find people who have the same free periods/lunch as you do and you can try to meet up with them.

    Remember that it will take time to become totally comfortable at a new school, but that if you have a positive attitude, people around you will notice.  

    Good luck!  

  8. You'll most likely have someone briefly show you where things are in the school, so you could ask them a few questions to help calm your nerves. Also, if you need to, i'm sure the guidance counsellor will be available to talk with you.

  9. Focus on meeting new ppl and don't show that you are freaking out or scared.

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