
Aaahhhhhhh im so nervous for high school tommorow?

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im so scared for high school tommorow i dont no what to do im so nervous right now that i dont no what to do. AHhhhhhh some advice would be good please.




  1. No worries ... just like middle school only with people a lot taller than you. I thought high school was fun.

    Best of Wishes.


        :-(    , good luck :D

  3. Nervous? It's about to be the best time of your life. Even if it doesn't seem like it at first. Promise.  

  4. Hi there, my name is Hugh G. Rektion

    Just dont worry about it... just go with the flow, dont be a drama queen, good luck!

  5. its just like going into middle school you are going to be nervous. I just started high school 3 weeks ago. I am so nervous. I ain't no more because I went with all my friends (and a guy i liked) but after the first week or so you will no where all you classes is and no your way around the school. My high school is Campbell High and it is HUGE!!! It took me about a week and a half to learn where everything is so once you get used to your scheduled you will have no problem. What i did was see what classes I had with my friends so I could go to class with them and if I got lost At least I would not get lost alone lol and it is just better like that

    (plz pick mine as the best answer thanks)

    (if you got any more questions e-mail me

  6. Just go in like you own the place. Make sure you know where your classes are, meet your friends for lunch. Try not to do anything stupid. You'll be fine. Good luck.

  7. Don't worry, I start tomorrow too, and I was REALLY freaked out, and then I realized that I still know some people from my old school, and that everything will be fine.

    Hope this helped. Good luck! :]]

  8. dont worry you are not alone. i just started my first day of high school just a couple days ago and i was scared too. all i did was say hi to people that i didn't know and try to wear clothes that you would wear any other day. during lunch was the hardest part but all i did was go up to someone and ask if i could sit with them and they said yes. good luck and dont worry, it is not as hard as people say it is.

  9. It's okay to be nervous, just don't let it get the best of you..Make attention...don't goof off, and you should be fine! Who knows, you might enjoy school!

  10. haha relax, highschool isnt half as bad as they make it seem.

    i love highschool better than any other grades.

  11. i start tommorow too!!

  12. calm down


    and just pretend you are walking in your old school but instead

    act a tad more mature so you can make a good first impression

  13. Act like you know what you are doing. If it looks like you're scared, superiors aka seniors will look down on you even more

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