
Aaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! need help with tow ropes?

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i'm going snowboarding with my friend today, i'm not very good and i've never been on the tow rope (the place i've gone to had those carpet things that you stand on) and i have no idea how to use one! what is the best way to get on and up one without falling? i'm goofy footed, not sure if that matters




  1. I actually did it for the first time a few days ago!  I have been riding for 3 years, so I am not a beginner, but I still had a hard  I ended up falling off the 1st 2 times and on got half way up the third time until I figured out that if you put all of your weight on your front foot, it will help glide the board up.  It kinda weird cuz you put this round thing between your legs and it pushes you up.  Getting off is easy, just pull the round thing down and glide down as if you would on the regular lift.

  2. I learned on a rope tow also - I didn't realize there were any left! Here is the best way to do the tow rope:

    It is best to face the rope if you can, sometimes you can ride either side so face the rope if you can. If you have to ride the tow rope facing away, put your back hand behind you when you grab the rope.

    Stand close to the tow rope, give a good push off with your rear foot (out of the binding), and then grab the rope with both hands. You will have to follow the track in the snow, so just follow it - don't fight it even if it goes side to side.

    And if you fall down - LET GO and roll out of the way so you can ride back to the bottom and try again.

    Good Luck

  3. before you grab the rope, get your board and body parallel to the rope and dont just squeeze the rope instantly. Slowly grab it and as you start moving faster and faster, grab it harder and harder. don't fight with the rope, just follow where the path is and dont go out of path. If you fall, make sure you get out of people's ways. You don't have to go all the way back dowon but wait until you think you have enough time and room and try it again. If you're good, after you go down, don't unstrap your binding just brake to the rope and repeat the  process. If youre not that good then just unstrap it.

    Have fun.

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