
Aaargh! Why isn't my meditation doing anything?

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I meditate every morning but nothing happens. My mind occasionally wanders but I'm trying! I'm also trying to find my animal totem but still nothing.




  1. What do you want it to do?

    First answer this question, and then the benefit (or otherwise) of meditation can be ascertained.

    I very much doubt that you have an "animal totem".


  2. The fact that you even phrase your question in that way just shows that you are very impatient.

    when you meditate you have to have patience in order to keep your concentration on a steady focus (maybe one of the chakras)

    you have to keep your mind empty....just keep pushing the thoughts out every time they enter your mind.  Then you will learn to focus and patience.

  3. Meditation is about relaxing. You can't say "Hurry up and meditate." It just doesn't happen that way. Relax. Think about the ocean (but don't think about the things that are in the ocean or the sailboats, ships ,surfers on the ocean. ) Oops..I just ruined it!! lol Think about something else.Only 1 thing.

  4. If you think about it while your meditating it won't work. You need to relax. When you least expect it it will happen. If you don't want Or do that you can try meditating in the same spot every time or in different surroundings. Like when you go on a trip you might find it. Make sure you also don't have any stress in your muscles when you meditate try to relax your inner soul mind and body. And your animal totem will be where you least expect it. So never actually try to find it just dont think about it adn it will eventually come to you. P.S. I have meditated for 7 years I know what im talking about.

  5. There are many traditions of meditation and many techniques within each of those traditions (I have included some links below) perhaps you haven't found the one best suited for you.


  6. What is it you are trying to achieve?  Meditation may bring on alternate states of consciousness and is perhaps a good kind of relaxation therapy, but nothing beyond that.  If you're into any of the supernatural stuff, that's why it's not working.  It's bunk.

    You must have something fairly objective you are trying to do.  People usually apply these mystical remedies to things that would either change on their own or things they can convince themselves changed when they really didn't.  Yours must be something fairly objectively verifiable.

    In the meantime, there might be legitimate solutions to whatever you are trying to do, and you are missing them.

  7. Try harder.

  8. cuz meditating is g*y it does something more better like taking a bubblebath with candles and turn the lights off and listen to an audio book or go to a spa or somtheing or do palates

  9. see,if you think that doing meditation is the only key to success then you are wrong. if you want to have any kind of mystic powers(siddhis) then you have to follow the path of a classic india yoga and that is Raja Yoga. go on the following link and you will get to know how to do this . it is very difficult to follow this path and it takes time also but as the proverb says"patience is a bitter plant but its fruit is sweet. and tell me that are you a girl or a boy for further assistance.

  10. Its not gonna be something that just works over night.  It takes practice and it is some times very hard to find that center.  We do live in a time where its hard not to have your mind going a million miles an hour like life does.

    As for your animal totem.... It will reveal itself when the time is right.  It may have done so already, you just might not have realized it.  

    Look to your dreams.  Is any certain animal popping up a lot? Are you drawn to a specific animal in art or other things? Could very well be your guide showing itself there.

  11. im no spititual guru, but if i ever meditate for what ever reason, i will get in a nice, non stressed "indian style" sitting position and a loose hand position ( something thats not to hard to hold). it also helps if you go "ooohhhhhhmmm"

  12. There are many types of Meditation, such as guided meditation, Transcendental meditation, Zen meditation, etc.

    Guided medtitation is about the easiest to achieve, just make a tape of yourself speaking in a relaxing voice to bring your body and mind into a state of relaxation, focusing on visualizing the imagery presented in the meditiation.

    TM is a mantra meditation in which a guru gives you a mantra to repeat over & over during the medtitation period.  Using the mantra helps bring the mind to a meditative state when it wanders.

    Zen meditation is commonly misconstrued as making the mind blank, or thinking of nothing.  And most people think they have failed because it is very difficult to shut down the internal dialouge without a means of focusing the attention at something.  A good zen meditation would involve gazing at an image or a chinese character and allowing the mind to focus on the meaning or intrisic beauty.  If other thoughts come, that is normal, just let them pass and return to the focal point.

    Another method is using your breath, and focusing on breathing slowly & deeply.  When ever a stray thought comes into your head allow it to pass though you and return your focus to your breath.

    Yoga, Tai-chi, Qui Gong, are all forms of moving meditiatation.

    Meditiation is a way of relaxing the mind & body, reducing stress, increasing the ability to concentrate.  If you are looking for psychic powers or other worldly phenomena, that is really not going to occur through meditation...

    To find your animal ally aka power animal or totem, you need to perform a guided meditation known as the underworld journey.  This is more easily facilitated with a trained shaman, but it can be done on your own with great patience.  Research Michael Harner's core shamanism. Try attending a workshop, you won't be dissapointed.

  13. Head over to and learn how to meditate with class.

  14. Try scrying, I found it much easier to focus on something rather than focusing on nothing--by focusing into my scrying mirror I was able to maintain a much better relaxation point and could actually rest my mind. (not easy for me)

    Now relax, take your time and have patience, you will find that once you AREN'T trying so hard, your familiar will find you!

  15. Is your mind open to the possibility that animal totems are imaginary and that meditation does nothing more than allow you to relax and concentrate?  If you aren't open-minded to this possibility and adjust your perspective accordingly, then I predict further frustration in your future.

  16. Lol!!! Do you hum when you meditate? Try putting a potted plant on your head while you do it and see it that helps....if the pot falls and breaks, you did something wrong and need to concentrate harder on the next potted

  17. give it time. be patient. dont meditate thinking "common work work you gotta work"

  18. Because the only thing you need to be meditating on is the Lord and that will make everything okay, dont open up your mind to just any old thing just because. Its not safe.

  19. concentrate and your breathing.

  20. WHats an animal totem? and Meditation does not do anything. But sometimes people beleive in it so much that they think it will work so they think it works.

  21. How long have you been at it?? I agree, give it some time. It took me somewhere around two weeks before I before I made first contact with a spirit, and I know some who were at it for a couple of months. Just be patient and keep at it. It'll happen. :)

  22. You have to stop wanting results and just let things come naturally. There is no magic to meditation it's relaxation - some people meditate for spiritual fulfillment and reaching a higher plane of existence.

    Wanting to meditate is like wanting to hit the lotto - no matter how much effort you put in the reward is somwhat out of reach.

    Do this - think of a private beach where you alone sit, think of all the surrounding sounds and feelings you want in your private picture-the warmth of the sun the sound of the surf and a light breeze, then put yourself in the picture - you will be at peace.

  23. Maybe you find nothing because there is nothing?

  24. Meditation is enhancement of one's soul. You're being too closed minded to the subject, You can only feel the difference when your mind is open.

    Give everything a chance and don't think there is only one answer.

    all you really need to meditate is to be conferable (mainly the head, neck, hands and feet). Don't concentrate on any of your senses, hearing will be the most difficult unless your deaf. Sitting would help confert your body.

    and the most important part, concentrate and be PATIENT

  25. Hello

    Meditation & development work well when there is a lack of expectation.

    Both meditation & development take years to acheive, have faith, have patience & all will yeald results.


  26. look it hard man.

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