
Aaron Downey pretty much sums it up?

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  1. I think it's funny, when he use to play for the Canadiens, he was a much more quite guy, and now that he plays for the Wings, he's total opposite, he likes to get into fights and everyone loves him.

    I can't blame them for loving him, he's an amazing guy off the ice.

  2. Hehehehe.  I love Downey! - Perhaps what you call a "one hit wonder"!

  3. That was GREAT!

  4. Downey's friggin awesome, I hope we resign him.  It would suck majorly to lose him.

  5. I kind of disliked Downey until I heard him speaking after winning the Cup, and saw the relationship he has with his parents and how proud they were.

    I guess I've always thought of him as just a goon, and I forget that he's a guy just trying to make a living playing the game he loves.  My attitude towards him certainly changed after seeing that whole thing.

  6. I never paid much attention to Downey until he played for the Red Wings this year. I saw a couple of interviews w/ him and he came across as a real humble guy. He'll do whatever it takes for his team. It's a shame he didn't get to play any minutes in the playoffs, I was hoping Babcock could find a little time for him.

  7. lol I saw that a couple weeks ago. I forgot which commentor it was but he said " He's the type of guy you want to walk you through a dark alley". He'll come in handy haha.

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