
Aarrrgggg just feel like sharing my pain with someone~~?

by  |  earlier

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im a grade 11 student, age 15, home with mother and 5siblings, my brother, whose 11 grade 6, is always to the dark side, his personality just suxs,i mean, he would report anything to mom,more like a snitch, hes kinda crazy always walk and talk idiotic, and hes very rude, don't accept rules nor command, isn't bright, i twice tried to teach him and gave up, my sister, 9yrs old,grade 4 shes better at education than the rest of my siblings, but is very shy, as in VERY SHY, she doesn't accept reality(like she doesn't like tomatoes but she still use tomato sauce and when we says its still tomato she says no)think of herself very highly hencefore when her younger brother whose too young to understand anything comes to her she would think of him as a unworthy person and quickly go away as to avoid been close to him, the fact that they doesn't even hold hands togather even once(well thats a common thing to do especailly walkin in the streets)well to my younger brother hes like my 10yr old brother, rude, not bright, hes 8yrs old grade 3, although the good side of him is been kind and forgets about wat his elder siblings do to him, he still makes faces and annoying the h**l outta people, he cannot concentrates any at all and i mean it, just like my 10yr old brother,well i admit hes still immature but if it still goes on like that im very afraid that he will end up like his elder siblings, the other 2 sibling i have is very young, ages 1 and 2, so they're too small to let me complain,......i really gonna suicide if i didn't believe in God mein life is hard as heck!!!




  1. Your parents are to blame for this.Tell them I said so.

    Your brother who is  11 needs an attitude adjustment as  does your sister.Con your 11 yr old borther into doing some hard nasty work and prmise to pay him, then pay him a dollar(give him more after you explain this to him first) tell him with a POOR education he will have to work HARDER than he just did for less money than he just got in order to pay for food ,water,utilities a place tolive a car etc.If he wants to be able to have those things and some extra spending money, then he is going to have to learn all he can in school NOW,and you are willing to help him.Then give him a few more dollars.

    Take a can of tomato sauce and force her to read the ingredients.

    Tell her there is NOTHING wrong with NOT liking tomatoes in their raw form, but to insist tomato sauce does NOT come from tomatoes is insanity and she will NOT be bale to function in the real world unless she learns to admit when she is WRONG.

    Also figure out a way to show her SHE needs help at times and  then explain to her,she is NO BETTER Than her younger brother when she is in need of help that we ALL need help and should love and look out for one another.

    Most of all you tell your brothers and sisters that you LOVE them and CARE about them.Spend some alone time with them one on one doing something fun.

  2. well, i'm glad that you got all that off your chest.

    i, personally, think it is a bit petty.

  3. dont take your life sweetie it is going to get better think about it in one more  year you will be done with  hs and off to college and away from it and  a few more years your sibblings will be more mature. and you can choose to deal as much or little with them as possible

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