
Abandoned baby bird?

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I found a baby bird in a fallen nest after a big storm last night. The other 2 are dead, but i have been able to feed the 3rd one. What do i do?




  1. Take care of the 3rd bird until it is all better.  Afterwards, set it free.  And if it doesn't want to leave, you might have found yourself a pet!  I have a friend that rescued a bird before and kept it as a pet.  

  2. Hello.

    I found a lot of babies birds after the storms around my place ( we live in a small town next to the beaches ) I usually give the baby a warm place ( in the basket , insides a little cage , near the brooder lamp ) Because I breed birds ( parakeets , cockateils lovebirds and parrotlets ) so I have the Kaytee exact baby bird formula , I use it to feed the rescued bird ( ofcourse I use a different syringe and place it away from my flock ) It would be survive and it would grow bigger and I let it go when it knows how to fly . ( Those were  Robins that I rescued ) Hope this help. TM.

  3. Awwww... poor birds...

    My family found a injured bird once (some evil person pulled all the feathers off of it's wing) and we kept it until it was healed and let it fly away, i'm not sure if you can do that with a baby bird, if it doesn't know how to fly yet, so I would say either keep it as a pet or bring it to a vet or animal shelter and they should know what to do.

  4. If the bird is fully feathered, it is most likely a fledgling and has left the nest on it's own and it's parents are caring for it. It is normal for birds to leave the nest before they can fly.   You need to replace it where you found it..preferably in a scrub or tree so it is relatively safe from predators, and the parents should come back to feed it.  If it is unfeathered...then look for a nest and if you can find it...replace it into the nest.  Do not worry about your scent being on the chick..birds have a very poorly developed sense of smell and will NOT reject a baby that has been touched.  If you cannot find a nest, get the bird to a local wildlife rehab for it's best chance of survival.  Also, keep in mind, it is illegal for you to try and raise this bird on your own.  Look for a rehab here:

  5. Ok. First of all make sure it is nice and warm. Make a nest out of cool whip bowl and line with tissue. Then place baby in nest and place nest in box in case little one gets out which they do often. Then put a heating pad under the box set on low. Is it feathered at all? The baby will need to be fed every 30 mins from dawn till dusk. Birds do not feed at night. Feed it mealworms from pet store. handfeeding formula from pet store or if in a jam for food soak dog or cat food in water dab excess water off when food is soft and cut up tiny or mush to applesauce texture and feed with 1 cc syringe with needle off or end of popsicle stick. Do not give water. They tend to aspirate it and choke to death. They get all the hydration they need from food at this stage. Then call a vet who takes wildlife or ask to be referred to a wildlife rehabber in your area who can raise it properly and release when ready. Both of these services are free as it is for the good of wildlife. Good luck to you. Antoher thing you could try is if it is nice enough outside make the makeshift nest and put close to where you found the ruined nest. Fasten to tree or near. Stay hidden and watch for hour. If the parents are close by they will hear it cry and come tend to it. They recognize their youngs cries and the young do theirs. Just make sure you put holes in bottom of bowl for drainage. It is worth a try. Good luck.
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