
Abandoned kittens I took in have fleas

by Guest31724  |  earlier

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abandoned kittens I took in have fleas

These tiny kittens are only about 5 weeks max, and they all have fleas, really bad. What can I do to safely get rid of the fleas. I know they r too young for regular fleas treatments is there any alternatives? I just really need help, these kittens r infested with the fleas. I do not plan on keeping them, I would prefer to find them homes myself. I have tried calling rescue shelters and either they have no room, or did not call me back yet. BUT, if I can't get this flea situation under control I really don't know what I am going to do, I can't have infested cats in my home. I have a house entirely in carpet, a dog, and kids.




  1. You need to get flea shampoo and wash them should be easy since they're little after they dry off use flea medicine there's stuff you just put in the back of your neck which prevents fleas

  2. Keep the kittens separated from the rest of the household.  This is what I used - get some eucalyptus oil, put 3-5 drops on a paper towel and put that in a sealed container. Use a flea comb to gather the fleas and scrap them into the container - they die.  Don't put eucalyptus directly on the kittens. Treat the rest of your crew with something (I like Front Line or Advantage) and vacuum, clean bedding, etc. There are also some products, sprays or powders, that can be used before you vacuum.  I used Seven flea powder for carpets and bedding, but I haven't seen it in years.  Good luck and good for you.  purrs

  3. To get some good advice, type in the above box where it says "search for questions"   type in "Kittens with fleas."

    It gave me a lot of good answers.

    You might check out the one that recommends the

    Johnson's Flea Tablets.

    Good Luck

  4. give them a flea bath, yes you can do that. Then get a flea comb and comb out the dead fleas.

  5. Try and fill up your kitchen sink with luke warm water and dawn liquid origional dish soap. Put the kitten in the water up to the chin, Apply a small amount of soap in hand and lather it into fur. Even of face just dont get in the eyes. It seems to work the best if you start at the tail and work your way to the face. You will see the fleas start falling off and floating. When you get them rinsed really well towel dry the kitten really well and comb through it with a flea comb to get any fleas that are still o body. They should be dead. After bathing them all use Fantastik cleaning spray in sink it kills fleas on contact just don't put it on animals.

  6. We had the same problem with two rescues, we kept them quarantined in the bathroom and that helped.  But I treated all the carpet in the house with some flea carpet powder just in case.  In fact, the landing in front of the bathroom door got a dose of powder and a vacuuming every day, just in case.

    A regular bath will help to start.  Just prepared, it is pretty freaky when the water hits the kitten and the fleas all start to jump ship!  At 5 weeks a flea shampoo should be fine if you use a tiny bit of it but even regular shampoo will help.  

    Then I took a flea comb and since the kittens were too young to be directly treated with flea spray, I gently spritzed the comb with it instead.  I sat out on the deck with them and carefully combed them again and again, most of the fleas were dead by then but the comb still got quite a few.  (Wipe them off on an old towel on your lap.)  It took a couple treatments like this but it worked, and we were so hyper vigilant And took precautions with the carpet tin the rest of the house, we didn't have a single flea.  Also, give your current pets a dose of frontline or something similar, if they don't have it already.

  7. dawn dishwashing soap. Bathe them in this and it suffocates the fleas. the kittens that I am taking care of were this way. it works but takes several washings to kill them all. Still take them to the vet to be dewormed at the least. I did that this week and my vet put on drop of advantage on all the kittens to kill the rest of the fleas they had. If your home gets infested, have a professional come out and de-flea the place. it's the safest and best way to go since flea bombs only kill the adults and not the babies.

  8. At this age, the best tool is a flea comb and a cup of soapy water.  Comb them daily and dip the comb in the water to drown the fleas.  Do it daily.  Treat any other pets you might have with Frontline Plus or Advantage.  Vacuum daily (upholstery too) - empty the bag or canister outside and wash the kitten's bedding in hot water.  When they are 8 weeks, you can use Frontline Plus or Advantage on them.

    Some people say Dawn dishwashing liquid baths (or baths with kitten shampoo) but this is too drying to the coats of such young kittens to do more than once at the very most.  The fleas will come back as soon as the kittens are dry, so the flea comb needs to be your main tool for now.

  9. go to the vet

  10. you should take them to an emergency vet hospital, they will take care of the cats, and if do not plan on keeping them they will pay the bill

  11. You have to spend time with them

    And use a tweezer and pick them out (do it outside)


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