
Abeka vs. Theme Curriculum for Pre-K4????

by Guest65670  |  earlier

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My daughter has been in preschool since age 2 with the theme curriculum and has done well. For this upcoming school year the preschool, her pre-k4 year, is offering either Abeka or Theme curriculum. What are your thoughts on either? What "type" child does well in each curriculum? Any help would be great!!! Thanks, lb




  1. My son is going to take Abeka course this year at a private preschool.  Ironically, I teach public preschool with a thematic curriculum.  I think it would be good for him in either environment; he cannot come to my school b/c he does not qualify financially through the state.

    I work alongside a teacher who taught Abeka in the private schools.  She said it is an excellent course up until about 1st grade because it is really strong in the phonics and focuses on getting the children to learn to read quickly.  After that, she would recommend going to a more standard curriculum in 2nd.  

    Abeka focuses on core curriculum- recognizing letters and sounds, led by teacher guidance and working out of a workbook, but the children learn to blend letters and read quickly and at their own pace.  My son's class will also have center time and recess and other fun things, but sections of the day are disjoint from other sections (ie--worktime from playtime)

    Thematic is more integrated learning.  It can be good  but there is also a downside. I have noticed many parents of smarter kids wanting me to push the reading and some children in class just aren't ready yet;  and it is harder to individualize learning with this type of curriculum.  We mainly focus on coloring, cutting, gluing, learning letters and colors and shapes and numbers, within the context of the theme.  We may have Bear week and the children learn about bear habits and hibernation and get to bring their teddy bears, all while learning about the letter B and the number 3 (for Three Bears).  They may play bear games, and get to do bear crafts (cutting coloring and gluing) Thematic learning is entertaining for the children but the advanced ones get held back if they already know the basics.

    It is really up to you.  I would base it on where my kid was academically and pick the environment which you think is best.

    So they have pros and cons.  I hope that helps.

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