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I know the title is pretty vague but I have a few questions.

I'm a girl that believes in science and hard facts but I'm not so sure any more as I have been experiencing a loud ringing in my ear and I even go deaf in an ear for a day or two leading up to something bad. The deafness starts slowly a max of up to 2 days before something bad (i will elaborate) but I usually don't notice it until the ringing kicks in as it is very gradual. The loud but low pitch ringing usually comes the night before or the morning of. I have also had some other odd things happen to me.

Here are some things that have happened to me.

A good family friend was very ill. I, myself, had known him for about 10 years. Everyone thought he was getting better, even the doctors. That day I was working in the library with my science fair partner and I had been distracted the whole day which is quite unlike me. I noticed that early on that day. While I was in the library I picked up a random book and it happened to be dealing with death and dying which I though was strange. Soon after my mom came to pick me up and told me that our friend died. It was very tragic as he was still only in his 60's and a close friend.

Summer time, the week we go to the beach house, a good relaxing week. The night before my ear started ringing and I was deaf for that night. The ringing only lasted about 2-3 minutes tops. The next day I have a very vicious voice message left by a girl that hates me and I haven't seen her in OVER A YEAR! I have been nice to here since I hadn't seen her and tried to work things out but the things she said were not appropriate for almost any age and were just straight out insults for no reason, completely unprovoked.

Morning of, I was very distracted and slow getting ready for school. My ear started ringing and lasted for about 4 minutes and it was very very loud. I went to school and a few hours later my mom came to pick me up from school to get photos for a visa (I am australian) and told me in the car that my nanna (grandma) had died. I was very close to her.

All of this started in the past, I would say about 6 months maybe. I am 14 and a half if that helps at all and just ask me anything else you need to if it helps. I will check this frequently.

I just want to know what you make of this. Thanks.

Auzzie Climber




  1. Hmmm, that's very interesting. Have you had your hearing checked, to rule that out? For most, ringing in the ears means someone's trying to communicate with you, like a spirit guide or a guardian angel. The ringing is because the voice is at a frequency you're unable to recognize yet. I get it a lot. Over time for me the ringing has lessened as my vibration has been raised and I'm able to hear more frequencies. But there's still one of my guides whose frequency is so high I'm still as of yet unable to clearly hear his voice. He makes my ear ring very loudly. The deafness in the ear might just a reaction to the sound. Or it might not. I'd honestly with getting your hearing tested, to rule it out.

  2. I would advice u to have your ear checked before you giving the conclusion that when your ear ringed it bring a bad sign. Anything else pls email me!  

  3. i see 3 possibilities. 1 is this all being a coinincidence. 2 is your subconcius becoming more active. or 3 your psychic abilities ( all people have psychic abilities just some are stronger than others and some barely work at all.) have started kicking in.

  4. I would say you have a physcic ability. Make sure you make use of this power as it can be very helpful. Sorry if i spelled physcic wrong. I do not think you need your ears checked. Watch for that ringing and prepare for the worst.

  5. What you are experiencing is either spirits giving warning of bad news in your left ear, and or you have some ESP abilities.

    I do have this ability too and others....But with the ear it came on once that I know of very strongly about a year ago. I was sitting at the computer when my left ear vibrated very fast, I never felt that before, and then the phone rang, it was my crazy nutty ex wanting to come back.....if you knew what I went through, you would understand. I just said no and hung up.

  6. Have your ears checked your growing and you may have something wrong with your hearing that can be fixed early on.

    Now as far as the being able to link with others prior to some wierd set of happenings.

    Their recently was a guy from Austrailia listed in the yahoo science/ wierd that has suggested that your mind can see a tenth of a second into the future.

    I happen insofar as the instance he describes agree.

    now as for seeing bad future events you really should be seeing more happy events than bad.

    or an equal amount at least , the bible kinda says that has to happen as a norm. so to do most religions.

    Now what I suggest is that you Take to writing in a diary at least twice a day in the morings and at night or evening, because if you start trying to tell others about this god given ability they will really think your brain and thinking S--ks, about a page each time to start with.

    i all so recomend you keep a spiral note book handy to write down and record these occurances during the day to record later.

    Other than that don't dwell on any of these revelations of feeling.

    Stick to the books and the facs remembering that the more knowledge you store in that brain of yours as facts the greater your ability will reveal it's self.

    All so some day you will find some one that will understand with out you revealing anything about your abilitys to them before hand.  That person will listen to you and act instantly on any of your suggestion.  This person will be without any abilitys and the most stabilizing force for keeping you on the straight and narrow, so keep them around as long as they are straight.

    Now my great aunt would work with me ,hours on end to increase my powers from  the time I begain to talk.

    Thou you have t be fore warned the powers will go away later in adulthood. It is kinda like being naked and weak and unshelterd.

    go with the good and distance yourself from the bad.

    One example I can give you of thousands is all the way through school their were 3 students in all my classes that I knew but did not associate with I was often accused of  cheating on exams when the four of us would have the exact same answers word for word on tests. To tell you the truth I didn't ever know the answers just pause a minute and blink my eyes and the answers would come to me. due to alphabetical seating the sat up frount in the class and I sat on the back row.

    i took speed reading under the JFK educational inprovement sessiions starting in the 4th grade till the 7th grade.I got up to about 700 words a minute later that helped me to read or at least scan 15 magazines aday and read 5 to 8 books aday.

    today I'm 56 male and a total failure financially, I

    My mother was raised by my great aunt , because her mother died at child birth,

    My great aunt said she was to selfish to listen and learn and she would hate my always being right as a child about everything.

    My mother proved her right. My great aunt died when I was 8 years old after bing in a coma caused by cancer for two years.

    Now I mentioned she told me the abilitys would go away later in life I was good till I was 43 then went into slow decline. I'm a zero now. most of this loss I attribute to when I reached 35 and my mother  wanting to play god and not believe some one had sliped me a serious mickey, that is durgs adminstered ,put me into a nut house and the doctors being L*****n tourtured me with drugs to chemicaly induce lobotomy. They would not listen till one day with 13 doctors and nurses in session I told them all exactly how much change they had in their pockets, they freaked.  and let me out after verifing that all i had told them about my mothers insanity  was a reality. I lost the ability to read for prolonged perionds of time yet for about seven years my abiility to major math calulations inn realation to horse racing instantly is how I kept myself alive.

    Now the second most important thing my great aunt told me "One day you will come across something that make you feel so good you will recognise it will take over your life and you must put it down or lose your life to it for all time."

    Cocaine was where I could have lost my life and didn't I ran as fast an as far as I could and still do to this day.

    Well  i hope I have been of help to you,

    god keep and god bless.

  7. What you are experiencing is called tinitus. It's a rather mysterious high-pitched sound that nearly everyone experiences from time to time, but mostly as one grows older. It can be caused by a spike in blood pressure, but when that's ruled out, other causes are only speculation. Essentially, your inner ear is having a spasm, like a muscle spasm. If it is so loud that you can't hear, please get your hearing checked.

    The paranormal angle is best answered by you, however. Be objective. Make sure you're just not associating a random occurance with the unexpected turns life throws at us at times. How often do unexpected things happen without the ringing? If you find you're just mistakenly associating a random occurance with random life happenings, don't fret -- plenty of sports figures have lucky socks or routines they go through before a game to help them play better. It could be the same mentality; it just proves you're human like the rest of us.

  8. A ringing in your ears means that you were exposed to sounds that were too loud. Perhaps a "concert?" You are attempting to place a cause onto something that happened when there isn't any. Read each Friday.

  9. I'd go talk to an ear doctor if I were you.  It sounds like you've got some sort of inner ear problem.  The apparent association with negative events is probably just coincidence - the second one (voicemail) was really a stretch.  Sounds like it happened once or twice, and then you tried to fit every occurrence with some event.  That's how people end up with lucky shirts or lucky numbers - and here, an unlucky medical problem.

  10. Hey there fellow Aussie,

    There's an old wives tale which says that "If your left ear is ringing, you will hear bad news - and if your right ear is ringing, you will hear good news".

    *There is always some truth to these old sayings...

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