
Able to run further now i am older.?

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Here is a strange one for you. When i was in my teens (and kickboxing training intensely) i was unable to run for more than a mile without getting tired. Now im in my twenties and i have just ran almost 7k after just a couple weeks training and im about 3 stone havier.




  1. This is especially true with Distance Runners.  If you look at shorter length races(0-3 miles), the top finishers are primarily younger athletes.  As the distance of the race increases, the age of the top athletes often do as well.  Good speed runners and sprinters at a young age often are much more competitive in marathon type races in their 20s and 30s.  It takes a lot more patients and stamina to run this way.

  2. As you get older your body changes.

    Young people are fast but have no stamina (relativly) but older peolpe are slower with stamina to keep going for longer. For Example, Paula Radcliffe is in her 30's and is in her prime.

    When you were younger though, did you ever try to run 7km or just do shorter mile long runs - you might have been able to do the distance then as well.

    Apart from that, did you enjoy your recent run? And would you do it again? If you would then you have a new challenge to go further or faster or to feel better at the end

  3. believe it or noy you are most likley in better shape now than then.  a human body is primarly in prime condition in your early to mid 20s.

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