
Aboriginal paintings?

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ok so i have to dress up as an aboriginal from australia for a school project. so i'm going to paint the markings on my face and t-shirt and legs ect. but i haev to kno what all the markings mean. I've searched all over btu can't find what any of the symbols mean. i kno the markings have to do with your clans totem btu thats it. please help!




  1. Aboriginal body art

  2. If you scroll down on this site I gave you, it has many different symbals and meanings. Hope this helps. :]

  3. how bizarre.  

    you know that most Aboriginal people would be highly offended by you 'dressing up' and painting symbols on your body that could not only be forbidden for a woman to wear, but are strictly limited to those tribes with cultural ownership over related stories!?

    My first bit of advice to over come this problem is to create a story that tells the history or current circumstances of 'your' people using Aboriginal symbols.

    e.g.  travelling (using footsteps) from two different directions to meet at a waterhole (using man and woman symbols) with your own design for animals in your families history (cattle etc...).  expand on your own situation and try and show some respect to not only the symbols and meanings, but to the culture it comes from.
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