
Aboriginal tribes that lived in the Great Barrier Reef region.

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Aboriginal tribes that lived in the Great Barrier Reef region.




  1. name them?

    Kuku Yalanji tribe was a big one.

    google aboriginal tribes and the great barrier reef for more information

  2. This page will give you some background information on the traditional owners of the Great Barrier Reef lands.

  3. Jordan is correct - Aborigines lived in the Great Barrier Reef.  Under their law when you are the child of Aborigine parents, who is the child of Aborigine parents, who is the child of Aborigine parents, who is the child of Aborigine parents - you are an Aborigine who is entitled to the full knowledge of the scared law.

    However, when an Aborigine male or female has a child with someone who is not an Aborigine the child who is born is refered to as a 'yellow fella' - this means not of full heritage.  That child is known by the tribe to be not of the lineage of the tribe - while the child is treated with love and kindness he or she is not entitled to the full scared knowledge.  He or she will only ever be part of or hear of scared knoweldge that white fellas and others sometimes hear about.

    The term Aboriginal does not mean an Aborigine - despite what the politicially pink wants you to think.  

    The Aborigine population of Australia was asked to attend a meeting in the Queensland in the 1970s (around 1975) I think - to clarify what was an Aborigine in Australia.  The only people who turned up were people with mixed heritage (known to the Aborigines as yellow fellas).  The Aborigine people were so disgusted that a meeting was called to determine who should be considered to have the heritage of the country that they refused to attend - there are academic books written about this detailing the meeting - I have one at home.

    Australia no longer acknowledges the deeply held views of the remaining Aborigines.  The country does not respect at any level the soul felt belief that only Aborigines have a right to true scared knowledge.

    So, in answer to your question about the Great Barrier Reef. depends who you ask - I would seek out people who are Aborigines - as described above.  Other than that you will get people who were not even born in the area giving you advice and not having any true knowledge

  4. the aboriginies

  5. This is an encyclopedia list of Aboriginal tribes

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