
Abortion, or adoption? What would you choose?

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If you had to choose whether to give your child up for adoption, or have the organism aborted, what would you choose and why? I'm not saying either one is right nor wrong, I just want your honest opinion.




  1. Adoption defiantly. I would never have an abortion unless it was health  related , i.e. there was an extremely high chance that I would die.

  2. It is not an organism.

    I would never have an abortion. I would give my child up rather than have an abortion. At least I am giving the child a chance at life rather than killing it before it even had a chance.

  3. NOT an "organism"

    It's a Baby..

    and as such.. it has a right to life..

    abortion is murder..

    I want all "fetus" "products of conception" and "tissue"

    terminology stopped.. Thats my crusade..

    so adoption is definitely the better of THOSE TWO choices

    but parenting is also a choice that should not be overlooked, rather, it should be the first choice...


    I cannot believe there are people who could not give away their flesh and blood and subject them to a lifetime of abandonment, but they could KILL them and subject them to NO life.. DISGUSTING

    so you chose parenting.. great!!.. adoption not an option?? fine.. but abortion shouldn't be either.. it shouldn't be legal as a form of BC.. period.. only if the mother' life is endangered by the pregnancy (if you have to chose between one life and another.. you have to chose)


    OOPSY.. the "crack wh_" label is wrong because not all first mothers are crack wh__'s."

    But as for abortion and "baby killer" Sorry, but that's what they did!! There was a baby growing inside them.. and they killed it.. it's the truth..there's no way around it..

  4. If I didn't want to go through with  the pregnancy = abortion

    If I didn't want to go through with parenting = adoption

    The choices are not interconnected at all.

    Personally though, I could never do either to my children so I chose parenting :)

  5. an organism. that's disgusting, i don't care how tiny in the beginning, it's a baby. and neither...

  6.'s not an "organism," it's a person. He/She deserves an opportunity to live, dream, love, be loved, find a cure for cancer, change the world, change one life. The person deserves the CHANCE.

  7. I chose adoption, abortion was illegal and I can't imagine how i would cope with abortion, adoption has not been easy road either. You have to live with the guilt no matter what you choose.

  8. Abortion, hands down.  I would never be able to give away my own flesh and blood, the pain would be unbearable.  And. I would never be able to be so cruel as to give my own flesh and blood the lifetime trauma of abandonment.

    In my mind, the choice is parenting or abortion, that's it.

    ETA:  I did have an unplanned pregnancy, and I chose parenting.

  9. If those were my only 2 choices, I would choose adoption. I don't believe in abortion personally, but I would never tell anyone they could not have one. And I believe it should be legally available for anyone who chooses that option.

  10. Adoption most likely. I've never been in the situation before so I can't say for sure, but having an abortion would most likely haunt me for the rest of my life. Adoption would disturb me but not as much. And at least I would know that the baby would be going to a good home where it would be loved.

  11. I would get a abortion..sorry who disagrees

  12. well as an adopted child, i say adoption. It will give your child a chance and give a family without hope of a family, a chance. And i know both my birth parents and respect their decision. In fact i Have a biological half sister and communicate with her often. I have 2 children of my own, and the only way i'd consider and abortion would be the product of a rape. Good luck, and god bless.

  13. I think you should do what you feel is best for you! Are you emotionally ok to deal with being PG, feeling your baby kick and move around and grow a specila bond then give it away? I dont think I could do that.

  14. I would parent the child.

    If for some reason there was no way I could parent the child and was had to make a choice, I would choose adoption.

    I can't think of any circumstances, other than my life being in immediate jeopardy, where I would ever have an abortion.

  15. I completely agree with Beth, no one can honestly make this decision without personally being in this situation. I personally have been in this situation and it is not an easy one to make.

  16. These type of questions keep the myth going that adoption and abortion are 2 sides of the same coin and they are not.  The only thing they have in common is they are both options in an unplanned pregnancy.

    I volunteer with a crisis pregnancy center AND with Project Rachel (a post-abortion support group).

    Many women come into the crisis center considering abortion, many come in considering adoption....I've never had a client thinking one of the other...I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but they are 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MINDSETS and shouldn't be lumped together all the time.

    The attraction to early abortions for most women is that no one ever has to know they are pregnant.  They think they can go on like nothing happened.  Also, they can go on with school and such.  Many aren't even looking at the baby as a baby.

    Women considering adoption are usually frightened (like all pregnant moms), and weighing options for a child that they are acknowledging is alive and their baby...even if the baby is not real to them yet.

    I will say both tend to change their minds after the first ultrasound.  The "abortion minded clients" (the center's term not mine) often change their minds.  The "adoption minded clients" often have a CLICK in their mind and hearts...I'm pregnant...I'm having a baby....MY baby.

    Women who choose to give the baby up, usually love the baby, care very much for the baby and just believe (or are convinced by others) that they cannot care for the baby.

    By the way, we spend hours arguing Birth Mom, First Mom, Natural Mom, Adoptive Mom, Substitute mom...but we are calling a baby an organism?

    I personally would choose neither....I would keep my baby.  I have the  family to support me even if I were single.  

    I mean no offense to those of you who have chosen abortion in the past.

    I mean no offense to mother's who gave their children up for adoption.

    I am simply blessed (and know that) that I wouldn't be forced to make that hard makes me no better than anyone else....just blessed.

  17. parenting...

    than abortion.  honestly, i think this question has been asked, et nauseum...

  18. I would definitely choose adoption. I strongly believe that as soon as you are pregnant that fetus is a living developing baby. Also that child deserves their chance to live.

    I also had relatives that as hard as they tried they couldn't get pregnant. I saw them ake for a child and it hurt me to even see. I also got to see the great amount of joy when they were finally able to adopt a child. They are now a very happy family and that wouldn't have happened unless someone else hadn't given their child up for adoption.

  19. I would choose neither I would keep the baby.

  20. First off...if you call your baby an organism you don't deserve to have a baby. Secondly, give the baby up for adoption so that it doesn't pay for your irresponsibility.

  21. How on earth could anyone make this decision, without being in the real situation of an unplanned pregnancy?  C'mon.

  22. I would choose adoption. She may resent me for giving her up but she'll definitely be grateful for being alive.

  23. It would depend on the situation I was in. If i felt i was emotionally able to go through with a pregnancy, give birth and then give away the baby, then I like to think I would give it up for adoption. But then again, if I didnt think I could live with having my child out there, being raised by other people, no matter how good they were to him/her, I would have an abortion - but only early on in the pregnancy, and i would never do either if I could afford to keep the baby.

  24. Abortion is not an option.  Have the baby and give it up for adoption if you are unable to provide for it financially, emotially and responsibly.  If you had unprotected s*x in the last 48 hrs go to Walgreens and buy the morning after pill that sells for $40 this will prevent your eggs from fertilizing thereby preventing pregnancy- and it sur is a lot cheaper that and abortion.  If you get pregnant and do not want the baby give it to someone else who can't have one.

  25. I think that it depends on the situation.  If you were raped and became pregnant I think that it should be up to you what to do with the baby.  If you don't want to have a baby and you choose not to be on the pill and have unprotected s*x and don't take the morning after pill if it is necessary then I think you should have to carry the baby to term and then give it up for adoption if you don't want it.  If you don't want to have to carry a baby for 9 months then don't have unprotected s*x.

  26. I would personally keep my little blessing BUT if i had to choose an adoption. I personally have a friend who is 21 and can never have kids :( seeing her go through this is heartbreaking. If i had the ability to bless a woman so wanting the blessing of a baby i would do that.

  27. I could never get an abortion. I don't know how people can unless they're completly heartless or aren't educated enough.

    If I absolutely had to choose between the two I would 100% go with adoption. But I would much rather raise my child, of course.

  28. Before you even consider something as evil as abortion, you should see what really happens at the operation. And that is life in you, it's not a thing(or an organism), whatever stupidity anyone put in your head that that child is just a thing doesn't deserve to live.

    Abortion is literally ripping that child apart, extremely violent and the most unforgivable sin a woman can make.

    The better of the two is adoption, it will cause the child pain but at least he might make something of himself in the future.

    But I guarantee you, that both of these will haunt you the rest of your life.

  29. It all depends. If i was a willing participant in conception  and was healthy then i would find my baby a loving home. If on the other hand, i was unhealthy or worse then i might choose to terminate my pregnancy.

  30. your right, neither is wrong. Its a personal decision. A decision that should never be judged by other people, as its non of their business.

    Both is done in very different situations,but some people cant look beyond the "baby killer" or "crack w***e" label.

    I have known that some abortions have had to be done with no choice, due to complications during pregnancy. I wont go into that topic, because it has no relevance in this section at all.

    Really, there is no choice. You choose what is best at the time in my eyes.

  31. You've skewed the answers by the way you worded your question.  You've thrown -adopt the child- and -abort the organism- together into one sentence, so your answers won't be valid.  That is my honest opinion.  

    And the way you worded your question proves that you believe adoption is right and abortion is horrible, so don't lie to use and claim you're "not saying either one is right or wrong" because you DID say that adoption is right and abortion is wrong by the way you worded your question.


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