
Abortion, why are abortions wrong, yet omelets are ok?

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How are we humans better than chickens?




  1. Humans are very different than chickens! Humans have a soul, that is what sets us apart. The bible says that we were "Created in the image of God." Chickens were not! It is not illegal to kill a chicken, but it is illegal to kill a human being. I don't think anyone would argue that murder should be legal. An unborn child is a human in every sense of the word. It is alive, and therefore should be protected under the law as any other human being is.

  2. Because we may not be better than chickens but we couldn't care less about chickens, just like the chickens couldn't care less about the wheat they eat.

  3. Human beings aren't better than chickens, or any other animal for that matter. We just act like we are.

    Vegetarians/vegans disagree that "omelets" and other animal product foods are okay, because of cruelty or death to the animals.

    So, basically, it depends what your beliefs are. Some people believe abortion is wrong, others think it's okay. Some people think eating meat/dairy products is wrong, others think it's okay.

    Besides, the chicken eggs that we eat were never fertilized. Because the hens are locked in cages, and all they do is lay eggs. They don't let roosters come in and fertilize them or anything.

  4. I love your logic and I agree.

    Most people say the different is that the egg is not fertilised... so what would they say then about the slaughtering of an animal for their meal?

    The animal had a heartbeat after all... a bit hypocritical?

  5. The eggs that we eat have never been fertilized and therefore would have never been chicks or viable anyway. They are created without the rooster. We on the other hand or the children that we have created are created with a male and are viable and are already babies.

  6. ok...the eggs we eat aren't typically fertilized yet, which means that there isn't going to be a chick or any other life form hatching out of that egg. Which also applies to humans, females eggs are just eggs until they are fertilized or released, just like chickens.

    So to get to the point abortions are wrong because, this was a once fertal egg so now there is a life at stake, an inocent little baby.

  7. Well I don't necessarily think that abortions are wrong but the difference is that the eggs we eat are not fertilized. It is more comparable to a chickens period.( An unfertilized egg being released.) When you have an abortion the egg has been fertilized.

  8. eggs that we eat are not fertilized, there is no life.

  9. First of all, I really don't think you can compare a human to a chicken...

    And the real answer would be because an egg you would eat while eating an omelet was NEVER fertilized! Unlike having an abortion...because that egg was definitely fertilized.


    You have to see this, it should make you sick to your stomach!

  11. Did you know that the eggs we eat are not fertilized eggs?????   Meaning they aren't alive....

    Abortion is wrong because it is a human life that already has a heartbeat, Abortion is murder.

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