
Abortion? Advice please.?

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My partner and I have been together only a short time. It's had a lot of ups and downs. I found out I'm pregnant. I really don't want to abort but he wants me too. I did make an app but I just can't go through with it.

I want to tell him easily again that I want to keep the child. I have another child to another dad and may find myself being a single mum. I know I can do it again.

The big things is that I don't want to upset him. I have considered him but now I really have to think of me and how I can't cope with the abortion. I would rather be a single mum then abort!




  1. I'm 100% shore if your were going to do it you would not ask us ....

  2. I am 17 years old and 18 weeks pregnant.

    My baby's daddy wanted me to have an abortion. I refused to even consider the thought of an abortion. He was upset with me for a while and now that I am starting to show and he gets to go to doctor appointments and see the baby on the screen, he is madly in love with our baby and tells me every day how he is so glad that I did not have an abortion.

    And having an abortion can actually reduce your rate of having another child.

  3. please, please dont abort. that is the worst thing you can do

  4. Well if you want to abort it's your choice, if you think that's what's best then do it. But, do it for yourself don't do it for him, please! And if you want to keep the child then keep it! Who cares what he thinks you really don't need him, there's other fish in the sea! And if he really loved you then he would want to keep it, or even if he loved you and he didn't want a child and you did, then he would understand and be there for you, but don't do something you don't want to do, he's not the one having it you are, and don't let him put you down! Just be strong and make the choice to the best interest for you! good luck and remember stay strong!

  5. Seems to me you 've already decided, and I agree with you. have you baby, raise it, it's the best thing in the world.

    if you care about your partner, give him time. maybe he 'd like to try it too. Anyway, it is mostly the mother's responsibility, and no one can force you into having an adortion, you are going to hate him forever for it.

  6. It's not his decision it is completely yours, as it is your body. Don't let him influence the decision. He should support your decision if he really loves you. If he is angry about it then that's grounds for a seperation if you ask me. If you want to keep the baby then do it! hope this helps! :)

  7. Your poor thing, I understand exactly what you are saying. He should understand once you have  child, youd think, if i aborted my baby then he wouldnt be there? So you have to tell him, my bf and i , he didnt want the baby but i couldnt abort it, i called the place 4  times, then it was 12 weeks and i was still unsure. But you also have to think, will he support you, and honey there are plenty of men around who will love you. He obviously doesnt want a serious relationship if he doesnt want to commit to this decision. You ahve to let him know he has to support you either way. Listen I have had an abortion, i am pregnant to a  bay i dont want but my fiance wants badly, but i couldnt abort it so im having it, i got scarred by lookign at this abortion video on you tube. Show it to him, then he might understand how horriffic the deal is. I feel if you cant go through an abortion and you believe you can cope, i mean without him. Then do it. Be the good mother you are to both of them despite what you had gone through with the other men, its a wake upo call. My fiance was cruel to me throughout my whole pregnancy, as soon as they saw the baby , then he completely changed. Some men have to see the baby to change or to love.. but be ready for the emotional rollercoaster you might get if he doesnt want anyhting to do with you if he does see the baby. I believe they should make a  website for single dads and mothers looking for  arelationship, it would work. I really feel for you.  

  8. Don't listen to him, and don't kill your baby just because some man wants you to. If he loves you and wants to be with you then he will support you and the baby. If not let him leave. You will be okay!

  9. I think that if you feel that way you should follow your heart.  He should be able to understand, he can't force you to go through with it.  Have strength tell him again.  Cancel the appointment.  Stand tall.  You can do it.

  10. he cant force you... if he gets mad or something, he is SOOO not worth it!

    tell him what you want to do, and if he is there, good, if he isnt, good.

    dont distroy your life for someone you dont know if its going to be there.

  11. you shouldnt abort your baby. even if it means being a single parent, like you said. you can get through this.

  12. Another child, from another man. Who's watching your baby while your out sleeping around with no birth control? You don't learn lessons very well do you? They're not pokemon, you don't have to collect them all.

  13. Do not let him tell you what to do. Keep your baby. This baby will probably be very cute.. It is your body you choose what you want to do. He does sound like a jerk!! I would just find another guy. And make that jerk pay child support!! Good luck.

  14. You are the only one who can, and have the right to make that call....

    It's more of his fault that you got pregnant (although you are partially responsible too).    He does not understand the traumatic experiences an abortion will cause a woman.  And since he didn't take any precautions, he should be somehow responsible if you decide not to abort.  He know that pregnancy is a possiblity (unless you've lied to him and told him it's not a problem), and he CAN NOT lay all the burden of this pregnancy on you alone!  It's irresponsible.

    So now you have 3 optiions:

    1>  Abort - IF you think this is the best option for YOU, NOT him.  financially, emotionally

    2>  keep the baby -  if you feel you'll loose too much by abortion, but be ready for him to leave you.... or to stay with you but being very unhappy and may not care for you the same way as before

    3>  Give birth, but put the baby up for adoption....  This may be the best for the baby, but not necessarily for the short run...  But if you want the baby to have a better life than you can provide, you might want to consider this option.

    Good luck!

  15. If you would really rather be a single mom than abort than don't worry about "hurting his feelings." You need to be worrying about yourself and what you are going to do with the baby, not about making him mad for deciding to keep the baby. And if he is angry with your decision, than he is not worth keeping around anyways. Do what your heart tells you to do, not what he tells you to do. And do what you think it right for yourself and the baby.

  16. he has no right to tell u to get abortion...he sounds like a jerk! U ARE NOT HIS PROPERTY!!  

  17. have it but give it up for adoption. its the best thing and itll go to a family that will really love it and cannot concieve

  18. if he wont support you, just walk away. More power to you!

    but still make him pay child support.

  19. You need to do what you want to do with your body. He can't tell you and you don't have to explain yourself.

    He's obviously not supportive, so forget him.

  20. It takes 2 to tango!

    Don't abort love!

    A child is Innocent! You have the rights over your own body..and every child has the rights to live!

    Well if he is still persistent, then try to convince him to NOT abort but instead carry the baby to full term and give it up for abortion. It is far more humane then abortion.  

  21. Consider this please : Its your baby too! If he cant be man enough to take care of his baby and respect his lady, then he is not worth it. You should not have to choose between your child or him. If the relationship has been up and down for a while, you may be better off without him anyways.  If you want to keep the baby then you have every single right in the world to do it. I can say that almost every person who has an abortion has to live with the regret for the rest of their lives! Considering you have another child, you have the experience to do it. If you want it, and you know you can do it, then he should have no say what so ever. Best of luck though!  

  22. dont have an abortion i mean its not like this is your first time and you've never been through it so keep the baby you never know maybe your partner will agree

  23. Go with your gut! Dont do it. I kinda was in the same situation but with my mom telling me to do it. You will regret it. I didnt do it but i know now i would have regret it. A child is the best thing that could happen to you and an abortion would be in your mind forever. You know you can support this child and if youd rather be a single mom then abort then first of all that is AWESOME but second, you have that feeling inside of you that knows what you want. I am 38 weeks pregnant and had to make that same desicion... and I am so glad I kept her. She is going to be my world. Just stay positive and dont let anyone tell you what to do. This desicion is ultimately yours and yours only. I hope you do the right thing and good luck. Oh and you can always take him to court to get him to pay child support if he doesnt be a man and support you and your desicion that he helped you get into

  24. then so be it you will be ok


  26. Good for you! Don't murder your baby! He can pay child support if he doesn't want to help. You didn't get pregnant by yourself!

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