
--Abortion??? Help? Question?--?

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I dont want bible bashing... i dont care if you are for it or against it. Tell me what a doctor would tell someone thinking of abortion. EVERYTHING!




  1. i go along with "expecting baby # 1"  all babies feel pain. If i ever got pg at a young age, or even older. i'd never get an abortion. that is just murder. i'd rather be happy with my child, than to be emotionally hurt without  him/her being here.  

  2. your physician probably wont have too much info for you on this topic. if you call a planned parenthood clinic they will answer any of your questions. please do not listen to these people who have never had an abortion telling you that youre going to regret for the rest of your life, they dont know. take it from me, if youre in a situation where you feel like an abortion is your only option, you will not regret it later. there is physical pain and there are side effects(bleeding, nausea), they will last no more than two weeks.  

  3. why don't you just ask a doctor? then you will know. All doctors are different there is NO WAY we can tell you what yours will say.. or if yours can/will even do it.  

  4. Please don't. . . . . . . . . . . . just think about it, it's another living person like you and me. It's not fair.  

  5. for one maybe you shouldn't be asking a bunch of pregnant people about abortion!!! it is taking a life from someone! give the baby up if you dont want it...anyway  if you want to know what the dr would say then call and ask!  

  6. well i can't say what a doctor would say because i'm just a regular person, but do you really think that murder is oaky.  let's talk about what you think, because in the end you are the one and only one that is responsible for the choices that you make in life and i know a great deal of women who've had abortions and even those in their 70's that are still dealing with the guilt  that comes with this choice.

      have you considered adoption it's only two letters different, but it's a world of difference to the child.

  7. Ask your doctor! How the h*ll are we supposed to everything a doctor would tell you. This is a stupid freaking question  

  8. It's not like what it is from the outside when everyone says oh abortions are simple and easy, and its like you were never pregnant. Any abortion will be painful, you go into labor and your body gets rid of the baby that is if you take the abortion pill. It's not quick and easy. none of the methods are. It's emotionally draining, and I would not recommend it. You will regret it, and always wonder. Abortion is not an easy thing to go through with, so just think about it a lot before you make a decision. The baby is alive no matter how small it is. It's your baby, but it is your choice.

  9. well, i would assume that a good doctor would not try to talk you out of it or even state their opinion of it at all.  they would probably tell you the risks involved and refer to a place where you could go to have it done.

  10. It depends on your doctor. Some are pro choice and some are pro life. If you are thinking of getting an abortion, the sooner the better. The less pregnant you are, the less of a "baby" it is and the easier on you to recover as well. It used to be that you couldn't get one if you were past nine weeks, which made sense, as the zygote is just a bunch of cells at that point. All the prolifers out there will yell and scream that is is a baby, it's not, it's just a bunch of cells and has no determined shape yet. You should also consider going to a hospital and having the procedure done while under anesthesia, otherwise it is very painful, as they have to perform a d&c - this hurts a lot.  

  11. they would not try to talk you out of it. its your own personal decision. but they would advise you of things that could happen after like depression or any helth risks medically that could happen as it is a surgery. i know you don't want to hear it... but please don't get an abortion. every child deserves a life. even if you don't want to keep it give it to a family that will love it. but do what you feel is right for you. i hope everything works out for the best. my cousin had 2 abortions and not a day goes by that she doesnt think of those 2 babies.

  12. I suppose that depends on your doctor and what you ask them

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