
Abortion VS Death Penalty. What's your point of view?

by Guest57827  |  earlier

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I have seen postings by those supporting abortion ridicule Christians for supporting the death penalty. Let me make a few points.

A: The death penalty is handed down to 1-ADULTS that are given it 2-by a judge & jury, 3-for committing a major crime/s

B: Abortion is done to 1-innocent infants, baby's, fetus (whatever term you want to use) 2-They are naturally not adults, 3-committed no crime, 4-no judge and jury present.

C: There are approx. 3,310 inmates (convicted criminals) on death row. 1-Last year there were 53 executions of said inmates in the USA.

D. In 2001 there were 1,328,x*x abortions in the USA

**53 convicted criminals died

1.3 MILLION innocent lives died.

>>Tell me how that is right, fair and proper--I'm listening.

E: 1-The average of one on death row is 31. 2

2-A fetus is anywhere fro 1 to 9 months old.

F. The most common reasons and crimes of a person placed on death row is, rape and murder

The aborted has committed no crime, is innocent.

G: Few inmates with a mental "handicap" are placed on death row.

6% of abortions are due to a fetus handicap.

Yeah, I support the death penalty and I am against abortion. The above figures ( taken from internet, News Week, etc.) all but make me sick. They are literally letting some get away with murder while they kill the innocent. God help us.

What do you think?




  1. I think until technology is invented to turn the criminals on death row into decent people the death penalty is acceptable but at the same time if you turned a murderer into a decent person, where would you put him in society where he would be excepted?  As for abortion I have read an answer about souls and my belief and the belief of the person who answered the question are the same once the sperm fertilizes the egg that is a baby.  Contraceptives are okay but you need to be careful of which ones you use.

  2. I oppose the death penalty and abortion makes me pretty uncomfortable. I think that when  a fetus can be viable outside the womb abortion should not be allowed. It would be hard for me to agree that a fetus in the very early stages of development is human. I will not insist that someone who is sure it is not a human life in the early stages follow rules that insist it is. To me it would not be murder of a human, it would be just wiping out a bunch of cells. Cells are not innocent or guilty of anything, they are just cells.

  3. I'm very pro-life. I'm pleased to see how well you've done your research.

    And NO CHILD IS UNWANTED! There are hundreds of thousands of couples out there who want to adopt! Adoption is the answer, not abortion!

    Also, more than $2.5 million is given in taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood every year to kill babies. This is because they have charity status. Charity status prohibits them by law from charging for their services. They charge lots and lots for their services, more than some doctors in private practice! But liberal politicians like Barack Obama allow them to get away with it because they scratch each other's backs.

    Abortion results in health risks to the mother, a rise in depression and suicide rates, alcaholism, and various other problems. It destroyes lives and families.

    Lots and lots of taxpayer money also goes to feeding and housing rapists and murderers in what have basically become luxury hotels they're not allowed to check out of. They have 5 star food, cable tv, huge libraries, work-out rooms, comfortable beds, their laundry is done for them, etc. They're allowed to earn a degree while in jail. If they act up, they get put in solitary, during which they get what ammounts to free roomservice.

    If you are a convict who gets put on death row, you get to sit around eating great food while you put in various appeals that can keep you alive for YEARS.

    If you are an innocent baby who gets put on death row because you're an inconvenience to your mommy, there is no appeal, you just get murdered. And you've done nothing but be concieved. Maybe it was because your mommy was raped, so she punishes you because she considers you a reminder of what she went through. Maybe your mommy is just a teenager. Maybe your mommy is poor. Whatever the reason, you're an inconvienience, so you are murdered when you have done nothing wrong.

    People who want to save convicted rapists and murderers from death row while calling themselves pro-choice call US hypocritical for wanting to save an innocent baby while supporting the death penalty for murderers?  

  4. I agree with you whole heartedly!!!  Newborn babies are so sweet and innocent and why would anyone be so cruel to want to kill these defenseless children?  They never had a chance in life.  The last I heard, there have been 48 million abortions in the U.S.  

    Every pro-choice person who votes for abortion is responsible for this.  Everyone who pushes abortion is partly responsible.  I would never vote for someone who is willing to kill babies especially those who are full term (partial birth) and even those who survived abortion are being killed in some places.  Why this inhumane cruel mentality.  Babies were made to be loved and protected, nourished and cared for, not wiped out like they were aliens that came to invade us.

  5. Some criminals need to killed and the less unwanted children in this world, the better.

  6. It should be a persons choice what they do with their own body.  Why should you be able to tell anyone else what they can and can't do.

    I think many more people should get the death penalty.

    What about all the innocent lives Christians have brutally destroyed?  Centuries of murder all done in the name of Christianity.

    What about soldiers at war.  What about young men who were forced to war...or jail?

    What about bombing abortion clinics?

    God let his own child die.  Christians say they love God more than their OWN children.  

    So don't get up on your high horse and preach to anyone about 'innocent lives'.  If your baby's life is sooo precious, then how can you love something (that we don't even know exists) more than your baby?

    Be gone.

  7. Woe to them, who call good evil and evil good.

  8. Pro-Choice, Anti-death penalty.

    God doesn't exist my friend, maybe you should deal with your own delusions before getting into things as important as the lives of people and the free will of women.

  9. Well said; I agree with you 100%.

  10. I completely agree with you.Bad people should be punished.And the number of people who are executed are small too.I think that without executions more people might commit crimes because there would be no fear in being truly punished for doing something terrible.Life in prison might not seem too bad to some people.

    And abortion--abortion is ridiculous and unfair.Why should an innocent fetus be killed for something that happened, out of it's control? If somebody really doesn't want their child, then they can put it up for adoption.I thinkthat the only time abortion is okay is if there is a handicap in which the baby will not live..Even in cases of rape:how is it fair to kill the fetus when it commited no crime?Execute the rapist, not the baby.

    Also--there are waiting lists for people who want newborns to adopt.The problem arises with older children, not babies from teenage pregnancies and whatnot.And talking about killing a human for "population control" is sick.

  11. No comparison....innocent children have done no crime....

    whereas some criminals deserve death penalty .

  12. Both abortion and the death penalty are a matter of rights. Who has them and who doesn't.

    A convicted death-row felon has chosen to give up his civil rights by committing a heinous crime against his fellow citizens. I don't think the state should kill these criminals, I think they should have to suffer out their miserable lives doing hard labor, or other sensible punishment program. Killing as a "deterrent" has little grounds, nor can you escape the hypocrisy of "killing for killing." And if those people appointed to decide make a mistake, it's permanent. You can't just say "Ooops, I was swayed by tainted evidence. Sorry."

    An abortion is not about innocence or criminality, nor is it against a citizen. An unborn fetus is under the domain of a real, live, breathing, eating, sleeping, walking, conscious woman. She has rights. She gets to decide whether she wants to carry out a pregnancy. It is up to her. She is not killing a human being, she is aborting the potential of a human being. Nature does it all the time. It is not a "punishment." Often, it is a wise decision made with the most solemn deliberation. And, yes, maybe sometimes it's a willy-nilly last resort form of birth control. Either way, it's not your body, so you don't get to decide.

    You evoke God. So, why not just let him sort it out. Why must you crusade for the so-called "innocents"? Maybe that's the way God wants it... aborted babies get to live a short life free of the burden of decision making, and if they die before they are "corrupted" by their bad decisions, they are certain to have a slot in heaven. So why do you care? Aren't the aborted babies happy in heaven?

  13. Re abortion, my feelings are:

    If you would forbid abortion, you MUST allow contraception.  If you would forbid contraception, you MUST allow abortion.  You can't forbid both.  Abstinence is a nice ideal, but it is completely unrealistic to expect of the general population.

    Re the death penalty:  

    I am for the death penalty in the case of serial rapists, serial killers, and mass murderers.  I also support it for child rapists, despite the Supreme Court's opinion.  If you rape my child, you should have to fry.

  14. Humans should have no hand in killing others and deciding when and how they should go, that God's job, he will judge accordilly.  

  15. I do not think that forcing women to give birth to unwanted babies would make the world a better place.  Those unwanted babies would grow up to be unloved people.  Obviously, you have never worked in poverty-ridden areas with unwed mothers, or you would change your point of view.

  16. If you're Christian, you probably shouldn't be supporting the death penalty. But then, you have to be pragmatic.  

  17. Ah, the argument from possibility. Sorry, but as a fetus isn't actually a human, they cannot be compared.

  18. This is not the same thing at all and is a comparison that makes little sense to make.

  19. No one (an individual or a government) has a right to kill. Yes, abortion and death penalty are no different than a murderer. The end result is that a life was killed. No matter, how you slice it or dice it, a life is a life.

    Some people are hypocrites because somehow they think God given life applies only to humans. Then you go about hunting, fishing, and killing animals and insects and birds! Hasn't God created those as well? Who gave you the right to kill them? Everyone will pay for all killings. That day is not far away.  

  20. I don't support either. Murder is murder.

  21. But babby makes for good eatin'. Old criminals are not as tasty.

  22. you are right but i see it as god should decide who should die.

  23. once again the same group of people who dont want people that they do not know ,love or care about to be able to have a cluster of cells removed... are the very same ones who are not willing to concede that healthcare for actual living breathing peple is a right.... now who is on both sides of the fence???

  24. I agree with you. It's extremely hypocritical.

    EDIT:  Okay Mister Master - how is a fetus not a human being?

    "James Elgin Gill (born on 20 May 1987 in Ottawa, Canada) was the earliest premature baby in the world. He was 128 days premature (21 weeks and 5 days gestation) and weighed 1 lb. 6 oz. (624 g). He survived and is quite healthy."


    "...A limited number of abortions were obtained at >15 weeks' gestation, including 4.0% at 16--20 weeks and 1.4% at >21 weeks."

    Not human, huh?

    I'm also sick of the pathetic "I wouldn't have an abortion myself, but let someone else" excuse. You can't be on both sides of the fence.

    ***Good one Know/No - don't insinuate that I am against healthcare for everyone because I am a firm believer that everyone is entitled to medical care - but everyone includes the unborn. I don't consider abortion to be healthcare when it's simply an inconvenience to be pregnant.

  25. You are 100% correct.

    The bible says God hates the shedding of innocent blood.

    The bible also calls for swift harsh punishment for evil doers.

    We live in an incredibly evil country in an incredibly evil time. Americans have aborted over 50 million babies. They try to bring up cases of rape or incest for this but that counts for way less than 1% of abortions.

    I don't believe there even should be abortions in the case of rape.

    We should start killing rapists and maybe they would think twice before raping someone.

    The truth is mostly all abortions are for reasons of vanity or selfishness.

    The person may think the child will be a financial burden. Well what child isn't. There are many many more bad reasons for having an abortion. This is because there is no good reason for having one.

    God hates abortion.

    If you have had an abortion, God still loves you and wants to forgive you. You repent of your sin-full life and put your trust and life in the hands of Jesus Christ and you will be foregiven.

  26. Abortion: it's a choice a woman can make. It's her body, though I wouldn't do it myself.

    Death penalty: the government's easy way out. They are murdering too. Though, some in the past deserved to die. (e.g Hitler)

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