
Abortion affect ability to conceive??

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My friend had an abortion about six years ago, and she bled heavily for a month afterwards. The doctors told her not to worry about it.

Now she has been trying to conceive and it's been seven months with no luck. She is also a smoker and likes to drink alcohol. Could the abortion have been botched?

No religious comments please.




  1. Its a possibility, although the smoking and drinking could also be having a negative effect.  She should go to a doctor with her concerns, they would be able to check and see if she does have some old scarring, etc. from the abortion that is inhibiting conception.

  2. Having an abortion can lead to blocked fallopian tubes.  See the article I am giving you the link for, it talks about a woman who bled for a month after an abortion and then was infertile.  Smoking can also hurt fertility chances.  I would advice your friend to see an ob/gyn regarding any risk from the past abortion and to work on giving up smoking and drinking.

  3. your friend should stop drinking whilst trying to conceive. also she should try and cut down smoking.

    i feel terrible saying so because i am also a smoker and am trying to concieve, although i do not drink.

    alcohol and ciggarettes can apparantly hinder your efforts to conceive.

    sometimes its just that the sperm and egg are just not compatible.

    the abortion may have nothing to do with it. tell your friend to talk to her GP about some fertility tests and about the abortion.

    quite often there is nothing wrong with the way you are trying, fate has just decided its not time for you to have a child.

    tell your friend to just keep trying and maybe have break every few cycles. stress makes it harder to conceive and trying to conceive is extremely stressfull... lol

  4. Hmmm...I'd say the abortion could affect it.  Especially if done poorly.

    Not all hope is lost though.  It can take a year or longer sometimes to conceive your first child.

    I had two miscarriages, and it took over a year to finally get  a "healthy pregnancy".  Then less than 2 years after my first child, we tried for a second and immediately got pregnant the first month.  It's ironic.  Try, try, try for the first one, and BAM no problem with the second.

    If I were her, I wouldn't give up yet.  It's best to try not to dwell on it and "try too hard".  When you finally relax and just let things go as normal, chances are it will happen.

    Hope everything works out well..keep your fingers crossed, and tell her there's still time--don't give up.

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