
Abortion after birth of child?

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I had my son three months ago. 2 weeks after his birth I was raped and might be pregnant right now. If I am, I am going to get a abortion. I am not looking for alternatives, or for lectures on birth control. Please be kind. I am solely looking for other mothers who have had a child and then gone through an abortion. Support only please.




  1. i personally can not stand people who say keep the baby, give it up for adoption etc. **** them. It is YOUR body and get an abortion if YOU want to, not what others want. I personally hate people who say abortion is bad, yet they do not care about all the starving and sick BORN child all around the world. Why don't they do something about that first then worry about the whole abortion thing. They are pathetic,, why don't they help out the sick and dying children, they act like they do not exist. Why bring another child into this overly populated world to live a miserable life.

    Thank you for the Thumbs down you pathetic cowards who do not even care about the living children who die and suffer everyday. Should you other people be at home taking care of your own children instead of judging how others live and take care of there children?

    Do what you think is best.. Good luck & i hope you get through this ok.

  2. Rape, to me, is the only exception for abortion. My mom went through the same thing. She doesn't talk about it much, but I know it was hard for her. Best of luck.

  3. Unfortunately I don't know of any support group for that situation, although plenty of general post-rape and post-abortion groups exist.

  4. I am very sorry that this happened to you. And I don't blame you. I didn't go through this I just wanted to offer you some support. Whatever you want to do is the right thing to do. Oh and don't listen to any negative comments on here. Only YOU know what is right for you. Any one on here that has anything negative to say to you should be ashamed of themselves. And anyone that calls you a murderer should go get raped and see how it feels.

  5. its entirly your decision, if i was in your situation i would be getting one. do what you feel is right for you, its your body and if any one trys to tell you that you shouldnt have killed it, tell them to **** off, they prob wont have been what you have been through.  be brave and stand up for what you want to do.

    best of luck to you and hope you have a great life with your son. x

  6. Awwwwwww, I'm so sorry for you.


  7. abortion is for murderers  why cant you have the baby and give it up for adoption rape isn't a reason to kill a baby

    i would never kill a baby for any reason not even in the case of rape

  8. all i have to say is its really hard ...i still think about it...i cried allot i was super depressed because i have two boys at home and i love them to death...but things happen will be ok!!! if you need to talk email me i have friends who are moms and have had abortions i know where your coming from

    OOO n by the way 50% of women have abortions they just dont talk about it!!your not alone!!

  9. First, I'm sending you as many warm thoughts as I can. What you've experienced is awful!

    Then, I would suggest that you go and get yourself checked out by a doctor asap, and try to get the possible abortion as soon as possible too.  The later you leave it, the more troubling the experience and potentially emotionally scarring.

    And you need to protect yourself from additional anguish where you can.

    Perhaps you are not pregnant though, it was very soon after the birth of your son--- so do get yourself checked out so that this is one less thing to worry about.

  10. It's your body and your decision. Only you know if you can live with having an abortion. You were raped so I can imagine how horrible that experience might be and how hard it would be to have a reminder of that pain. Adoption isn't the answer either. Someday that child could come back into your life and ask why? Think long and hard about all of your options before you make this heart wrenching decision. Good luck.

  11. The fact that you are asking for acceptance of the murder of an innocent child really bothers me.  You were raped and what an injustice that is, but is murder any less of a crime?

  12. i havent had a child but i have had an abortion and they really arent as bad as everyone says. not be negative but if it happens again, lets hope it never happens to anyone once, but if it did you can go to a hospital explain your situation and they will give you a pill.. or tell you your options. but abortions arent that bad, if you know you are making the right, make sure you go to the right place, talk to your doctor etc. good luck and hope everything goes better for you in the future.. and one thing to know abortion is not murder. if you do have an abortion they perform the operation before the child has developed at all, so much so there is still even a chance that you wouldnt have miscarried, i am a catholic and religious but i dont see what is wrong with having an abortion, for a good reason. if the reason is me and my crack addicted boyfriend couldnt be bothered and we dont want the kid then yes its bad. but in this case. you have every right.

  13. I disagree with the people who are saying you shouldn't have an abortion. Why should you have to go through another pregnancy after just giving birth, a baby that was brought to this earth in such a terrible way. You need to spend time with your newborn.

    I am so, so sorry about what happened to you. Stay strong.

  14. This is for questions. If you want a support forum, google it.

    Ask a question or get off the pot.

  15. Thats your personal decision.  If this baby is unwanted, then go for it.  Don't let these fool in her tell youn other wise.  Its a personal decision between you and your doctor and family (husband maybe?)

  16. i never had an abortion but one of my friends did...she too was raped and had an she suffers from severe depression and hasnt been able to conceive another child...i am not going to lecture u but i would advise a closed adoption.

  17. its rough but its the best thing to do. though you don't wanna hear it you should have gone and gotten the morning after pill, a lot cheaper and less painful

  18. you will be fine.  just relax

  19. I am so sorry to hear what you have gone human being should be put through that,now that you think you might be pregnant and feel abortion is best for you then thats your matter what anyone what is best for  you, but honey you we're raphed that that to me is the worst violation a woman can feel....the phisical,emotional and mental feelings that go with that take a long time to heal,but I want to reassure you that your life will one day feel normal again...heal the way that you need to heal and ask your family and friends for support.

    I have been through what you are going through but I don't wish to post it on if you have any questions or just need someone to chat with feel free to e-mail me.

    Your in my thoughts and in my prayers.

  20. My mom says If I dont have anything nice to say dont say anything  all.... I was raped and i wouldnt even dream of an abortion. Thats all I will say.

  21. May God have pity on your Soul...

  22. If there is even a question about whether a fetus should be brought to term, it means that it will probably have an uncertain future. The best thing is to spare any child from certain misfortune and terminate the pregnancy. It is difficult enough to raise a child when it is wanted; an unwanted child will be an unhappy child.

  23. have you called planned parenthood or a crisis pregnancy center? they might have resources to local support groups. Sometimes it helps more to talk to people one on one.

    I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through nd hope you are not preggers. Make the decision that is best for you. Talk to your doctor about your emotions. He/she can probably help too.

  24. I am so sorry that happened to you.....................

    You don't have to worry about being pregnant,your body is still healing,and you cant get pregnant until its been 2 months since you gave birth.

    I have never had an abortion,and I was never rapped but i just thought I would let you know that there isn't a chance that you are pregnant.

  25. If you know you cant support another child then have the abortion...i dont support abortion but it is your choice......but if u do decide to ahve the baby i am sure u will love it just the same.....maybe adoption...but its your choice.....but hopefully u are not pregnant

  26. Sorry, But This is Bad think about the helpless soul your about to kill Please think Before you Abort

    anyhow good Luck With the First Baby

  27. Well, I can tell you my mother's story. My mom had 4 children, me being the last. My father had a vasectomy after me, and they divorced when I was 5. I was a very difficult pregnancy apparently. When I was about 10, my mom had been dating some guy (she never brought them around, and her dates were never serious, she knew she'd never marry again). Anyway, despite her best efforts, she ended up pregnant. She was 42 years old, single mother of 4 kids, not in real relationship... she really felt that at her age she just could not handle another pregnancy/child. So, she made the decision to terminate the pregnancy (and had her tubes tied soon after that).

    This is something she told me when I was 23, had been married for a year, and found myself unhappily pregnant (I never wanted kids), and wanted to get an abortion. She says she never regretted her decision for a minute. She said, "Every single woman, and every single situation is different. And, it's up to each woman to decide what she can and can't handle. So, if you can not handle this situation, then that's all there is to it. I love you kids more than anything, and I brought you into this world with open arms happy to have you. I'm sorry I couldn't feel that way about my last pregnancy, but it was what it was. But, I'm not sorry about my decision. I still feel to this day that I did what was best for all of us."

    So, I hope you can find some comfort in that. I wish you luck in life.

  28. You should not abort it. There are other women out there which can not conceive and they're dying to have a child or adopt one.  You should consider giving it up for adoption. Every child is a blessing in any kind of way !!


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