
Abortion becoming a larger issue. Is this hurting Obama's chances with younger voters?

by Guest31742  |  earlier

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Everyone knows Obama is getting a lot of younger voters excited.

Abortion is becoming a larger issue, now, with Palin in the mix. I find myself to be very socially liberal in all areas--other than abortion. I believe it to be murder. I don't have any polling data to support this, but, from personal experience, I think a lot of younger left-leaning voters are often more pro-life than their liberal parents. Is this true?

I had decided that there were bigger issues than abortion (the economy, foreign policy) that the president could actually have an impact on.

Now, Obama's camp appears to be coming out and reminding voters of McCain/Palin's huge pro-life stance.

Now I feel like, If a shift away from abortion rights is actually possible with the election mccain, which both camps seem to suggest, then a vote for McCain may be worth it.




  1. most people i know im my age group (19-25) are pro choice. i think with younger people we like having the choice. i myself am pregnant and i thought about an abortion but decided against it. the fact that i even had the choice makes me proud of the country i live in and if it changes it will be really messed up

  2. Well young voters tend to be against abortion in slightly higher numbers than older voters but that is Obama's base and I don't see them moving away from him..

  3. Not as much as his followers crucifying single teen mothers.

  4. Abortion is not a campaign issue.  The truth is that NEITHER candidate will do anything about it.  Conservative POTUS candidates have been trying to use abortion as a part of their platform for years but they do nothing about it once they get elected.

    I'm pro-choice by the way and a young voter.

  5. Nope, it's just one reason why I AM voting for Obama.  I don't believe it's murder, you do.  Difference of opinion.

  6. Its pro-choice, not pro-abortion...simply put, you don't HAVE to have an abortion but you're free to choose to if, for some PERSONAL reason, you need to have one.  Why is that so hard for people to understand?

  7. War in and of itself is abortion.  How many women and children have died in Iraq since we invaded?  The Republicans don't want abortion to be an issue, because then they have to address the effects of a pre-emptive war in Iraq.

  8. The problem with Obama is that he is on the extreme end of abortion, along with his statement strongly implying that he thinks of a baby as punishment.  There's no way to get around what he said.  Obama comes off as being pro-abortion instead of pro-choice. That could become a problem for him with some voters.

    Palin is on the other extreme end, which is typically a bit more forgiving to those on the fence.  

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