
Abortion? can anyone tell me what happens/how it works?

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ok so im 17, and am about to book an abortion. but im terrified... can anyone tell me exactly what happens/what they tell you etc. please dont give me any lectures i know ive messed up big time.




  1. No lecture at all. You are doing the best thing for you, in your situation at this time in your life. This isn't the easiest way out, it takes a lot of courage to come to this decision, & although I do not agree with abortions (I was pregnant at 18 & had to give up my family & career to have my baby, knowing i'd have to bring him up totally alone & in the shadow of an extremely violent ex partner), I do understand why some women would choose this option.

         The best person to discuss your options with would be your doctor. It is totally confidential. Make out to any one that knows you that you are suffering with a bad lower back, so that if you are spotted waiting in the doctors surgery you will have a reason for being there. If they ask what he said, tell them you have bruised your coccyx (cocksix is how it sounds). This is something that is a result of bumping it & it will have no long term affect. So there's your cover sorted. You could even, if you make a date for an abortion make out that you have had to go back to the doctors (on the day of the abortion) as the coccyx diagnosis was wrong & that you are still in pain.... You'll be able to rest in bed afterwards & no one will question you about it.

           I am not an expert in abortions, but I will tell you what I know. There are 2 ways they can be performed, Orally which involves taking several pills or through a simple operational procedure. The tablet way sounds better, though I have heard that it can make you feel extremely ill. The operation way will mean that you will have a pre arranged date to go to your nearest clinic. You will speak to a consultant who will explain the procedure to you. You will have (I believe) the embryo sucked from your womb with a small Hoover like instrument. You will then go onto a ward, & will only be allowed home if you are accompanied on the journey by someone, so I would book a taxi if I were you.

         I hope this helps. If you are still unsure, google it from someone else's computer (you don't want your search popping up if your mum googles asda)! Or better still speak to your doctor. Good luck, & take care. x

  2. hey there,

    i was 16 when i had my first child.. i wont lie to you but it was really scary having somebody else that depends on you... i am pleased to say that she will be 7 next year and although it was hard work it was the best thing i ever did and i wouldn't change it..

    think long and hard about what you are planning to do! do you think you will be able to live with the guilt of what you are proposing to do?

    i know i couldn't!!

    there are plenty of girls like us who have kids really young and got through it, and there is plenty of people who can offer help and support..

    email me if you like... i hope u make the right descsion!

  3. honey, dont feel pressured by others to not have an abortion, sure it isnt the nicest way to "get rid" of a baby, but what these other people fail to realise is that your young, you have no idea how to look after a baby let alone afford it. Obviously you have thought about it because an abortion is a big desicion.

    Also think of the repercussions. It is a hard thing to do and alot of women suffer depression afterwards, make sure you have a great support group of people you can talk to afterwards. Also talk to the abortion clinic, they will tell what will happen and will help with counciling.

    next time, just remember protection okay? :)

  4. go to this link and see

  5. Getting an abortion AND getting a very heavy period according to your other questions asked this week. I think someone might be after attention. Get some common sense.

  6. It depends on how far along you are-there are 3 stages of abortion, dependant on how pregnant you are. The most common is when you are around midway through your first trimester and is done similar to a D and C. You will be unconscious for it so won't feel anything. It is a sort of vaccuum extraction. Ask them as many questions as you can though-they will answer anything and will set your mind at ease.

    If you need a chat, add me on MSN.

  7. Vacuum aspiration is the main type of abortion performed during the first three months of pregnancy.

  8. You can read about abortion procedures here:

  9. first of all, the silent scream is a fake:

    iv'e seen it and its true you never really clearly see the baby 'scream'

    and second of all, you are not pregnant if you had  heavy period two days ago, like you say in your other question.

  10. hey hope you are ok

    this website helped a friend  

    just make sure someone goes with you

  11. Ok Rachel, no lectures just the facts.

    Scientist and Doctors can tell you about cell division and how all the information to how to make a human being is carried inside of every cell in the form of DNA but they can never tell you exactly how the cells form the heart first and then the little arms and legs because they just do not know how it happens.  No one does and that is why it is often referred to as the "Miracle of Child Birth" because it really is a miracle.  A Miracle by the way is when ever God puts His hands in the lives of human affairs and does something that otherwise would not happen any other way.

    You see while Scientist and doctors can clone all they want they can never take a dead thing and turn it into a living thing.  That is because only God can create life.  And the way in which God chose to create life is through the womb of women using living things rather then dead things for making life.

    The Psalmist tells us that there is some knowledge that is to high for us to understand...

    Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;

    It is high, I cannot attain it.

    -Psalm 139:6

    And the Psalmist was also inspired to write down these words as well...

    For You formed my inward parts;

    You covered me in my mother's womb.

    I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

    -Psalm 139:13-14

    So before you book that abortion think about this.  If God honored you and chose you in order to create life do you not think that it would be like taking a gift and throwing it back into His face.  Don't think that God gave every woman that gift because He didn't and there are plenty of women who would give their right arms to be in that position in which you find yourself in.

    So you made a mistake, God knows that your only human but turn to Him now and open your heart to Him,  Tell Him how you feel and ask Him to reveal to you the way that you should go and the choice that you should make before you do anything.  If God saw for you to be able to have a child then He also saw a way to provide for your eternal nourishment through this life in your womb.

    And above all things I believe that there are no mistakes but that everything happens for a reason and a purpose and that is another thing that Scientist and Doctors will also not be able to explain to you as well.

    God bless you and pray to Him Please.

    Mr. V.

  12. Are you sure you're pg, you had a heavy period yesterday.

  13. my friend got one. she said they take like a 12inch needle and put it through ur stomach while ur lying on ur back n the baby just comes out ur v****a. she didnt say if it was right then or later on. but she told me it looked like a huge newborn rat

  14. Hello,

    no lectures, no judging, that's the way it should be.

    You go to your GP, or to a woman's centre if that's the way your local authority works.  They have a chat with you, you request an abortion and they will refer you for one.  They'll let you know asap when you can have one.

    The people who perform them do so because they don't judge the women who have them, there are many reasons why you may feel you need one, and you obviously aren't treating this lightly.  Most babies are aborted by suction, which removes the foetus from you.  There is a pill you can take, but I do not know how early in pregnancy you are, nor how late in pregnancy you can take it, that brings on early labour.

    I am sorry that you've found yourself in this awful situation, as far as I am aware, it's not pleasant, but, you must have your reasons.

  15. I would think long and hard about what you're doing hun. I know people make mistakes, but it's not the baby's fault, and this baby very well may be the best thing that will ever happen to you. Here's a site that explains the different methods of abortion. Just a warning, it is very graphic.

    Best wishes and good luck.

  16. firslty if your thinking of getting one dont but that just me.

    Well basically theres several ways of having an abortion but without going into details the main ones include lethal injections, the scrapping out of body parts and basically using a vacuum cleaner to suck out the baby. Sorry if this sounds down right inhumane but bascially it is.  

  17. medical abortion -

    this can be done up to 7 weeks, some drs will do it up to 9 weeks, but its effectiveness this late is questioned. you will be given a tablet, commonly mifeprostone or misoprostol, this will be taken orally. this blocks the action of the hormone needed to continue a healthy pregnancy. the sac detaches from the uterin wall, it may induce miscarriage where you pass it in clots, it may not. if the oral tablet does not complete the abortion, vaginal pessaries are given to make the cervix contract and expel the contents of the uterus. the oral tablet will make you cramp and spot and feel extremely nauseous. you will bleed for about 2 weeks after the procedure.

    Surgical abortion -

    performed after 7-9 weeks, a d&c is performed (dilation & cuterage). the cervix is forceably stretched and a vacuum is used to suck out the products of conception, this will be done as day surgery and the actual procedure will take 20-30min, done under general anaesthetic. tummy area may be quite tender afterwards, as with medical  termination you will bleed for up to 2 weeks. surgical terminations have more risks attached to future fertility, scars can be left on the uterus, ashermans syndrome, and can make it difficult to conceive unless further surgery is done to correct the problem.

    any questions, email me.

    hope i helped.

  18. you need to think long & hard about this one because you will have to live with it for the rest of your life. Google it and you'll get websites that let you know what happens.

  19. Well it sure isn't a pretty thing to have done to your self and especially the baby inside of you! They pretty much rip the baby apart limb by limb until all that is left is the head and then they remove that last... Despite what anyone tells you yes the baby feels pain, there is a video on youtube I believe its called silent scream where the baby looks like it is screaming in pain!  I'm sorry to be so graphic but I think women should know what truly goes on when they get an abortion. You may be 17 but that is plenty old enough to carry the child you made and give him/her up for adoption to a family that would love it just like their own. Good luck with what ever you decide but be prepared to carry that guilt around with you for the rest of your life!

  20. if you are in the early will be a suction's pretty straightforward so don't worry yourself honey - good luck.

  21. god there are some horrible people on here.....they should not answer if they are going to 2 be rude and graphc, its not there opinion on abortion that was asked for.

    i think this young girl would like support not terrifying.

    hunni please dont be scared, its a horrible thing to go through i know but ull be ok. depending how far gone you are things will be different, ur probs most likly to have a vacum- type thing, your asleep the whole time so dont worry, you'll be in and out in a day (in the uk).

    i know its hard and i respect u for making this descion as there are many girls who bring babies into this world when they arnt ready and they end up being supported byt he state and maybe nto looked after (im not suggesting you would be like this)

    i wish u all the best and ignore the horrible poeple trying to scare you.

    im ttc for my first for 9 months so im not anti child.

    good luck hunni if u wanna chat email me xxxxxx

  22. heavy period 2 days ago, and now your pregnant? grow up

  23. ok, when i went through it they did this.

    I made the apointment for a PG test. when it was positive i had to speak to a lady who informed me of my "other options" like adoption and free medical care if i wanted to continue the pregnancy. things like this. she would set up everything. She also told me the abortion had to take place no early then 8 weeks. so I was only 6 weeks at the time i had to wait two weeks. (and think of my options) it seems most clinics make the appointment a week after you first go in so you can think about it and back out if you want. at any time you can call the abortion clinic and speak to a social worker for free if you need (this is if you paid for the abortion in advance and need to talk to ppl about your situation while you wait for the date)

    ok the next time i went there i had to walk past a bunch of ppl protesting and calling me a baby killer............ come to find out they put all the abortions at the same time. you can not eat that day by the way. and the dr was late a few hours.......and they stick us all in the same room and we r pregnant and hungry! ha ha and stressed out.

    some women leave....they chicken out. so you will see some ladies very willing to have it and others crying and cant do it. its very emotional.  you will have a few options. one is to just have the abotion. no meds. you dont feel it but the stress is hard. I took an IV that knocked me out. but before they knocked me out they had to open the cervix you can not move while he is doing this. NO NO!  once he opens it he will vacum everything out. i asked them to put me an IV (you pay more but worth it if you can) I work up after it in a chair. went home and I do not regret it. it was a time in my life way before my marriage. but i was in my 20's. dont let ppl tell you the baby feels it and all this to ake you stop. if you do it early on they will not SCREAM IN PAIN when inside you. i did at eight weeks. no screeming i promise you the baby had no mouth yet.

    i am married now for 10 years and TTC for number 3.

    i have two kids now and want another. i just didnt want a baby at this time.

    well this is what happens......... good luck.

  24. When is Yahoo going to add an abortion thread so people who are expecting babies and actually looking forward to it don't have to see these questions?

    Not only that, this person had a "very heavy period" yesterday. Have a look at her other questions.


    Edit.. Stick your thumbs down people..

    I was 17 when I fell pregnant the first time and I faced my responsibility. That baby is 15 years old now and gorgeous.

  25. If you were pregnant, it sounds as if you may have had a miscarriage yesterday.

    Go back to your GP and check if you are still pregnant before booking the termination; that is, if you are telling the truth.

    Edit - maybe this isn't the right place to be asking.  You will be shot down by anti choicers who think every woman should be stuck in the kitchen with 15 children tugging at their skirts. Go to the Brook advisory site, or the NHS site.  Good luck.

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