
Abortion limit?

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what do u think?




  1. Faith, with all due respect, it's your opinion that abortion is murder, and shoving that view down people's throats  won't change anyone's opinion.

    I do not see it my place to try and dictate what a woman should do with her own body. What about victims of rape or incest - particularly when the victim is a young teen, for example? What about situations in which the mother's life is in danger due to some medical condition?

    Edit: Hi Faith - my comment was just because of the way you phrased it ("the more you hear it the better")... but I do understand this is a very emotive subject and I think it brings out strong emotions in most of us. I know how you feel regarding your friend's mum (who sounds like an incredibly strong lady), because the person I love most in the world was conceived in the same way, which she found out much later on... it has nearly destroyed her and I don't think she will ever come to terms with it.

  2. i think it should be made lower, unless there is a medical reason, i cannot see any reason why a woman should decide to have a termination at 24 weeks, what has she been doing for the rest of that time?? i read somewhere (not sure if its true) that at 24 weeks they give you a pill, and then cut the baby to make sure its not born alive, as i said i'm not sure if its true, but that is disgusting, at 24 weeks it is a baby and can be born at 24 weeks and still live, i'm not anti abortion whatsoever, but not these inhuman abortions where the child actually has to be born, its sick nd wrong, should be lowered to between 16 - 20 weeks depending on the reasons

  3. before i answer the qustion i look at other poelpe says. i agree about killing the baby is not nice but it is good for us 2 decide. being a women is h**l how can we do it with out being a bad guy and living with it too.

  4. I dont think these people who vote against lowering the limit have any idea of what a baby looks like at 24 weeks - my youngest daughters baby died in the womb at 22 weeks and she had to give birth to her- the baby was perfect to look at a little doll like but all there - it was heartbreaking. I think these people who vote against lowering the time should have to see a real life abortion.   On a good note my daughter and her husband have a 8 month old son now but our baby girl is loved and her grave visited regularly.

  5. I dont think anyone can comment until they are in the situation of choosing. Its not an easy decision to make no matter what the time. Once over when i was younger and before i had any kids, i would have swore i would never even contemplate abortion. I even remember saying when i was about 14, oh even if im raped ill keep it. Little did i know how the words would come back to haunt me, 6 years later, violent relationships and manic depressed, the choice came. I already had one little boy, and the thought of another at that time i couldnt cope. In fact my head was so screwed up, i hated it growing in me.  but now...ten years later, i wish i had stopped to think. That child would have been ten in september. it haunts me to this day, and i know that what i have done can never be undone.

  6. Personally, I think it is up to the individual & her doctor to decide if abortion is the answer.

    However, I think the limit should be around 18/20 weeks.

    To the people that say abortion is wrong in every instance I would say for them to consider how they would feel if the pregnancy was as a result of rape. Why should a rape victim be forced to carry the result of a traumatic & life-changing thing like rape around as a reminder every day for 9 months?

    There are far too many unwanted children in the world already. Far better to terminate them before their lives have begun than allow them to be forgotten, abused, killed or suffer after birth.

  7. it's the medical profession who are torn in two over this issue. In one room they can be trying desperately to save the life of a much-loved and wanted baby born at 23 weeks, and in the next room be terminating a life at the same period of gestation. Terrible dilemma and i personally think the limit should be much lower unless the mother's life is in danger.

    On a personal note, i'm anti-abortion, but recognise that a return to back-street abortions is not the way forward.

  8. After having read the article and as discussed in house i am also agree that upper limit of 24 week is o.k and no cut is required.

  9. I think it should stay at 24 weeks. WHo has the right to tell a woman she can or can't have a child. It is a huge thing for a woman to under go. What if somthing awful had happend to her? Like she had been raped.

  10. Abortion is MURDER at any stage of pregnancy.  Very simple to understand for those who have a brain.

  11. Whether its 24 or 22 or 12weeks makes not a whit of a difference to me.

    The very second a child is conceived, it has life & so should be given every right & chance to grow.

    Edit: i know i'm going to break some kind of record with the thumbsdown i'm going to get but ABORTION IS MURDER & the more you hear it the better.

    Edit: Jez, am not shoving anything...i did think this was a place i could air my opinion and with all due respect to you, i do think a baby should not be dictated to as whether he/she can live or die either.

    Edit: Incest? Just look at the way Elisabeth Fritzl loves her children? No matter under what horrific circumstance a child is conceived, it still is a child in her/his own right.  

    And heres something more...and this is the of my closest friends Mum was raped. My friend is that child. Her Mum confided in mine that however horrific was the rape, never did it even occur to her to destroy her baby, bcos thats what she was...her baby.
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