
Abortion or adoption?

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I saw a bumper sticker that said adoption not arbortion. What are your thoughts?




  1. I think there are far too many children who are without homes already.

    This in many ways in my mind is akin to the prision system. If someone breaks the law, they are sent to jail/prision....where they sit and wait to be released. While not all prisioners can be rehabilitated, most can...if we cared enough and wanted to work on the root causes. We don't care, so these people are released, without any job or life skills, without therapy, and are unprepared to turn around their lives, and thus have a huge possibility of returning to prision.

    With abortion, I think that many care far more for a fetus than a live person. Some are so insistant that an embryo make it to term, yet once the child arrives, those same people want to cut their medicaid benefits, want to limit or eliminate spending on impoverished areas and people, want to send children to fight their wars, want to limit educational grants and funding, is complete hypocracy to care about fetuses and not care about their mothers, the life they will be raised into, the programs that will be able to help them, their healthcare, their well-being...etc.

  2. It should be the decision and option that the pregnant party should have the say over, PERIOD.

  3. As I have learned on this board, that isn't really the choice. If a woman doesn't want to carry a fetus to term, she will choose to abort. That is HER right in the U.S., fortunately! If she chooses to carry to term, her choice is then whether or not to parent. If she chooses not to parent, she will relinquish her child for adoption.

  4. Adoption is a much better option.  Let someone else enjoy the child you can not care for.  Don't be selfish.

  5. My thoughts are that that person is pro-life/adoption as well as anti-murder.

  6. obv, adoption! why would u kill a baby if u don't have to?!?!? if u think you;re old enough to have s*x then u have to deal with the consequences

  7. I am so pro choice and let me tell you why.  I work with foster children and they are the most broken children you will ever meet.  Ask an abused child if they believe in abortion.  What's sad about this pro-choice over pro-life situation is that the ones who are making the decisions are men.  Men do not have the ability to become pregnant.  I think that men are so upset about this topic because it's the one thing in a womens life that they have no control over.  A woman can get pregnant and keep a child whether that man is married or isn't ready.  They have no control over that womens decision and that's why it's such a debate.  Let people make their own decisions, who are we to judge.

  8. I don't feel it is fair to judge based on a generalized situation.  I think each situation is different and has a different solution.  I have a dear friend who was a pregnant teen and was forced by her parents to have the child and give it up for adoption.  She is very resentful toward her parents for this.  However, when she was 35 and her son was 18, she was able to become a part of her son's life again.  It was a very emotional but rewarding time for both of them.  They now have a very close supportive relationship.  I have also known young women who have had abortions, all having different outcomes.  So, again, each situation is different and each has a right decision...not always being the same.  You can't make a general decision for a specific situation.

  9. pro choice on abortion... but feel that it really should only be legal in cases of rape, complications for baby in the future (down syndrome, metal retardation etc), or complications for mom in pregnancy.  It really should not be used as a "whoops, I didn't wear a condom"

    Adoption is a wonderful thing.  There are a lot of people who want kids and conceive them.

  10. The sticker is probably a sign that the owner is a Pro-Life advocate.

    The question is probably intended to stir emotions and thought.

    Their can't be a real or true answer in any forum because the situation is individual base on the event, the mentality of the person having to make the choice and that persons spirituality.

    A person that is truly in a position to take a stand on the subject has to weigh all the factors of their descision against their beliefs and education on the subject.

    If one were to take adoption then there are many other factors involved.  Does that person want to remain completely anonymous to the child?  And how succesfull will she/they keep their anonymity?  Because there may be a point when the child will want to know his/her biological parents.

    If one were to take abortion then is that person ready to live with that descision in the future?

    These are just a few examples of what a person should think about before making a descision...

    If it were me I'm pro-choice and it would depend on the situation.  If I were younger, in my teens I probably would have chosen abortion at that time if I were faced with the situation, But I would also ultimately have to discus it with my female partner and respect what she decides since it is her body.  And I would stand 100% by her descision.

  11. Pro-Choice...what ever choice works best for that woman in her unique situation. Who am I to decide what is best for another woman?

  12. Abortion/adoption depends on the situation, but when it comes to partial-birth abortion... that's always wrong. It seems like by that far along, it would be better for all to go through with birth and give the baby up later. I know some girls would feel humiliated by letting people know they were pregnant or that they didn't keep their baby... but if you think about it... it's so d**n selfish. How cruel.

  13. Adoption and Abortion are the worst thing a woman can go threw in her life-- Geez..I vote for PARENTING.!! its ur baby so be the parent.

  14. adoption is better becouse abortion is murder

  15. I agree fully. I am not against abortion, there are truley valid reasons to get one. Just my opinion, but if someone makes the giant mistake of getting pregnent they should go through the 9 months & give it up for adoption, it is a better alterative than not letting the kid live just cause you screwed up.

  16. That depends on the situation.  If a woman is being physically abused by the father I would say abortion if it's before 10 weeks.  If it's out of selfish reasons like, "well, I am just not ready", then adoption is best!

  17. Adoption is better. Generally people who have abortions are misinformed about what it really does. The baby will feel it.  Women regret abortion. Abortion also drastically increases chances of breast cancer and many women who have abortions are not able to have children later on in life. Alot of people have complications during the actual procedure. There is alot at stake when a woman makes the decision to have an abortion. Its not just HER body that will be harmed. her decision will literally rip a baby apart. Shouldn't the baby deserve a chance aswell?

    If you know anyone who is considering abortion please show them the links in my sources.

  18. Abortion, a child should not be created to be given away.

    Oh, and the silent scream is a crock, check this out:

  19. abortion is always the womans right to choose....but i think adoption is better, there are plenty of loving family's who want a baby.

  20. definately adoption!

    i am adopted, and abortion just scares me because i know that i could have been aborted.

    but fortunately, my birth mom was a Christian and she knew that she was not ready to raise a child. so she gave me up when she found out she was pregnant.

    im so greatful to be adopted, and i want abortion to end now!

  21. adoption is not an alternative to abortion.  parenting is the alternative.

    methinks people should devote more time worrying about the children who are alive and not attempt to control others fertility.

  22. absoultly YOU PLAY YOU PAY its not the baby's fault so let him live

  23. As both an adoptee and a relinquishing mother who has also had a stillborn son I would definitely choose adoption over abortion all the time except in the circumstances of either rape or the potential loss of the mother's life unless the pregnancy is terminated.

  24. womans right to choose as long as it is an early abortion

  25. adoption definitely if that was my only two choices

  26. These are completely separate and quite different decisions.  They are not the opposite of one another.  The opposite of abortion is giving birth.  The opposite of relinquishing to adoption is parenting.

    Having an abortion is the decision to not carry to term.  It is a decision that obviously must be made prior to the birth.  Relinquishment to adoption is the decision to not parent.  It is a decision that can ultimately only be made after the birth.

  27. adoption all the way !

    my mom almost had an abortion,

    but had me instead an gave me up for adoption.

    and im so glad she did that.

    edit -

    if i get thumbs down for this,

    that is just retarded.

    cuz its an opinion question.

    and since my mom almost had an abortion,

    im gonna think adoption is right.


  28. I personally could not do either. I would have the child. I do not care what other people do. I have enough going on in my own life to deal with. If people choose to have a abortion that is their choice. If people want to go through pregnancy and give their child to a deserving family then great.

  29. Abortion is not the easy fix everyone thinks it is.  The psychological effects last a lifetime.  Abortion is so damaging to woman as a whole it takes the one thing we can do that no man can do and says that you can throw in in the trash.  Abortion helps no one.  It sounds nice to offer a choice but it has robbed woman of the respect we deserve for this amazing thing we can do.  I was adopted and no matter what my biological mother did in her life before or after me she is the hero of my life story.  How do you ever make an abortion right.

  30. The better option is parenting.  Duh.

  31. Here we go again.  ABORTION!

    Its easier to live with.
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