
Abortion or no abortion?

by  |  earlier

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I have four children (9,7,6,and 5 months). We were done having children, but BC obviously didn't work! I want the baby, but my husband says we would be taking time away from our other children and he doesn't think that it is fair to our children now. What should I do? I went for a consult for an abortion and couldn't catch my breath because I was crying so hard. What do I do? Everyone is against it, but me. Everyone keeps asking.. Don't you know what causes that? When are you going to stop? Thats not fair to the kids! One of you guys need to get fixed! My husband agrees that he wants to get snipped. I think that it is too final for him to get fixed.




  1. i agree with the post above me.

    have the baby, get the husband fixed, have a happy family.

    people who are completely okay with abortions and get one have serious guilt issues afterward.

    it will be wayy worse if you are against it to start with.

    i know you don't need anyone to tell you this but abortion is murder. if you can't care for the child, give it up for adoption.

    there are TONS of people who would love to adopt a baby!

  2. have the baby, have the vasectomy and have a happy family.

  3. Are you seriously basing your decision about abortion from strangers on yahoo answers? I think you should sit down and talk to your husband and figure it out together. Marriage is about compromise.

  4. listen to yourself. you WANT your baby. keep the baby. your husband feels that he has contributed his share to society. you have such a large family anyway. don't get stressed out <3 C=

    don't abort. my cousin had abortions 2 times and the 3rd time she cried. couldn't do it. she kept the baby and now he's almost 4. =D

    if you don't want your baby give it up for adoption. there are lots of families who can't have children and would LOVE a baby.

  5. have the baby if u believe in the bible than do not have an abbortion.

  6. Don't abort the baby. There are many people who can't have children who would LOVE to adopt your child if you do not want it. Look into adoption!

  7. Ask yourself this question. What happens some day down the road when your three children find out that you aborted there brother or sister simply because it was inconvenient to have another child at the time???

    And trust me they will find out.....Children always find out their parents secrets.....usually from a hurtful family member.

    Think long and hard. Sure it will be tough but your a mother....mother's do not murder their children simply because they were unplanned.

    If you go through with an abortion you will NEVER get over it and your will grieve for the rest of your life. With every family portrait you will know there is someone missing. Abortion never solves the problem it just creates a new set. It will strain your marriage as you grow in resentment towards your husband for pressuring you into having an abortion.



  9. This is what you can do,

    you don't have to keep the child you can just give the baby up for adoption give the the child up to a family who can't have a child. But it's only up to you or if your willing to go through the pregnancy stages. Tell the younger kids-if they ask that the baby you are having is for another family but incase you want to do an abortion that's fine it's your choice. Good Luck

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