
Abortion question - consider this one?

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Guy and girl are dating and she gets pregnant by him. She decides to have an abortion so they set an appt and go there together. She is called in by the nurse and is walking in for the procedure when she thinks she sees her boyfriend checking out the nurse. Girl goes psycho and starts screaming and hitting her boyfriend. He doesn't hit back but to stop her attack he pushes her away and she falls down. She is not hurt badly but loses the pregnancy. Should he be punished for the death in any way? The fetus was less than 5 minutes away from being aborted.....




  1. What he did was self defense so no, he shouldn't be punished for it. She, however, should get in trouble for attacking HIM. It sounds to me like she would have lost the baby, abortion or not, because a fall from being pushed would have to be hellishly bad for her to lose the baby-falling on your back side wouldn't cause a miscarriage.

  2. the 2 must be punished..both of them..they both commiteda a mistake

  3. That's a tough one but he was STILL responsible for the fetus's death, even if it was going to be aborted 5 minutes later.  But that story is completely unrealistic.  Why would a guy taking his girlfriend to get an abortion be checking out a nurse??  And why would the girl even be worried about her boyfriend checking her out??  Wouldn't she be thinking about the life she's about to end??

  4. I would not have shoved her I would have walked away.  Hormones are wild at this time and can cause her to be a bit "mental".  But no you should not be punished.  You are having to live with this thought, that is punishment a plenty.  

  5. yes!yes !yes !yes !yes !yes !

    Of  course ,He responsible for that. he must   punished for the death .

  6. Um, well first off, babies are well protected in there.  I fell once ice-skating and didn't even bleed much.  So, that's not very feasible.  Possible, but not very likely.  If he pushed her hard enough for her to lose the baby, it probably would have hurt her as well unless she had a high risk pregnancy.  Second, yes.  It's abuse, even if she was overreacting.  Women overreact while pregnant a lot.

  7. Yep.if you are dying from cancer and someone hits you with a'll end up in court..lmao...terrible situation you "just thought up" lol

  8. that is a seriously good question! i do think he should get some kind of punishment because nonetheless he was pushing around a pregnant lady. and if the baby gets hurt, that could hurt the mother.

  9. well that is not the way i think anyone would like it to end... but it sounds like there was wayyy more going on that was not added to the story. and how sad that this could even happen i mean there is so many more ops. that people never think about. i do like the fact that there are a lot of people talking about what they would do if this happened to them.  i know if this happend to me i would very sad and not to mention confused as to why if someone loved me so much why is he looking at someone else like that.  and my God its in the worse place to even think about looking at some nurses butt!  my thought don't even get yourself into a problem like this one.

  10. I would say no but in the future if a girl is hitting him he should maybe try to call out for others to hold her back from him...or try standing and holding her arms firmly until she calms down and stops.  I'm not saying she had ANY right to be hitting him because she didn't but it just makes the guy look bad if ANYTHING at all happens.  But no he shouldn't be punished in this circumstance in my opinion.  I'm sure she was just really upset b/c it's a very emotional thing she was about to do.

  11. thats a weird one..personal experience? lol

    he shouldnt be punished :P

  12. Well, thanks to many "prolifers" pushing for specific legislation, in many states he would possibly be arrested.  "Unborn victims of violence" legislation treats fetus' as Actual Persons with rights.  So, regardless of whether or not the pregnancy was going to be ended or night, he might be arrested under this legislation and if convicted, can be sentenced up to 25 years (in some states, even longer).  

    Technically, when the person responsible for ending the pregnancy through force who is not related to the pregnancy, there is already laws on the books because they have deprived the Woman her right to reproduce (originally, they began to compensate the man/husband for his loss of progeny when Women were owned by men).  These laws predate the newer legislation.  

    Hopefully, though, everyone would be able to cool down and acknowledge that accidents do happen.  There is also the possibility that she would have miscarried regardless of the fall because miscarriages happen a majority of the time.  It really all depends on if the police are called and whether the district attorney wishes to make a name for themselves.  



  13. No he should not be punished at all. He was just defending himself.

  14. Since she could have possibly backed out of the procedure at the last minute, and because he shouldn't be pushing her, yes he should be held responsible.

    However, I personally think men should have a say in an abortion. Because it is true, how can we say a man has a responsibility if the child is born but then say he can't have a say in aborting the child?

    And I know the typical argument for that question is "because it is my body" that the man has no say in it. But if you want to say that than the converse is true as well, it was your body and your decision that ultimately HAD the baby so how is he responsible for YOUR body and YOUR decision?

  15. Both the guy and girl should be punished. Here are the reasons:


    Physically and verbally harassed her boyfriend. Completely legit reasons for jail time;


    Although he was just defending himself, and even though making the girl fall was intentional, it is still considered harassment. In the eyes of the law, "intentionally" injuring a pregnant woman and causing the death of an infant, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS ALREADY TO BE ABORTED, is a crime.

  16. No...sounds like she started it...

  17.   with what's mentioned here , it looks like she was the one  who initiated it but given her physical and emotional state it would'nt harm the boy if he apologised.

  18. man that is so sadbut she deserved it to ht him over his straying eye the baby was being aborted any way that just sickening though for me to say it like that but dont hit other ppl n not expect to get hit back

  19. This question has a lot of what ifs to it, but it all depends on the state and the domestic violence laws in place there. because you could say what if she was going to change her mind and keep the baby? then the fetus would not have been five min from death.  

  20. Yes, he should have to pay the price.

    The reason why I think that is because Supreme Court case that made abortion legal in the US, which is Roe v. Wade. The law indicates that it is the mother's, and not the government's, decision whether she will terminate her pregnancy. Until she actually has the procedure, it's murder. Obviously it seems like what's the point, the pregnancy was going to be terminated anyway, but the procedure hadn't happened yet, therefore, it is not technically an abortion, but man slaughter in the third degree. Chances are if charges were pressed and it was brought to trial, a jury would recommend a sentence of time served, unless the jury was full of pro-lifers who just want to punish the situation, so they punish the guy.

    I had to think about it, and left all ethical bias out of it. That's a very hypothetical, what-if situation. That should be a notice on the Plan Parenthood Clinics, PLEASE DON'T PUSH THE PREGNANT GIRLFRIENDS.

  21. No it was self defense.

  22. Yes. It doesn't matter how much longer it would have been before it died, whether it be 84 years or 5 minutes, he still killed it.

  23. no,. that wasn't his fault. that was her stupidity

  24. Is that true blue?

    If so that is awful. No I don't think he should be punished in anyway.  

  25. YES. He should get punishment. Im 100000% pro life in the first place. But still he should get serious punishment!! read the laci and conner law people! do u remember how scott peterson brutally murdered his wife and unborn baby?? Not the same case i know but its a law. He need punishment

  26. yes

    because either way he was still the cause of the death

    even if he was trying to do the right thing

    but the girl sounds like a bit of a spaz

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