
Abortion question?

by Guest66832  |  earlier

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don't you think it's hypocritical that people who eat meat can be against abortion?

i heard this question today and i had to agree with it.

what are your opinions?




  1. Women have abortions for lots of reasons - its narrow minded to do anything else.

  2. When people speak of abortion they are talking about human beings.  I am against abortion but I think there is absolutely no connection in what you heard.  It is in the Bible that animals are here as food for man.

  3. I am vegan and strongly pro-choice. From time to time we get questions here asking if it's hypocritical or a contradiction to be vegetarian and/or vegan and be pro-choice. I always reply that the two have nothing to do with each other, and I say the same to this question - the same applies when the question is posed the other way round.

    It is, in any case, a misuse of the word 'hypocritical', which means claiming to have higher or different standards than you in fact have - saying one thing and doing another. If someone  claimed to be  against abortion in all circumstances, but secretly had or funded abortions - THAT would be hypocritical. Saying you're anti-abortion, being anti-abortion, and eating meat for your dinner - not hypocritical.

    Contradictory would have been a better choice of word, but I'd still say no. The two things have nothing to do with each other

  4. i think its a good question. its all about the context its in. i can only speek for myself not others.

    nd im sorry if people are jumping on you. its a legitamit question.

    some people are more defensive than others and arent willing to hear other opinons yet.

    keep trying tho!

  5. eating meat has been there millions of years ago, people have been taught to eat meat, in the bible, God gave meat to humans for them to eat.

    Then would you like it if meat eaters all over the world are pro-abortion now so just they are not hypocritical?

    Okay I'm sorry. I got offended. I'm a Christian and you should understand that people don't like to be accused of being hypocritical. that's all.

  6. No, I don't think so, because some people that eat meat don't put other animals on the same level as human beings. In fact just as there are many religions that preach respect and sacredness of some or all animals, there are equally many that say man is the only creature with a soul or whatever. I do think it makes sense for pro-life people to be vegetarian, but I don't see a hypocrisy in eating meat but being pro-life. Everyone has their opinion and moral code, and I try to hold back and not be judgmental.

  7. I am torn by this question. In a way, it is hypocritical to get an abortion if you are against the killing of living things. But still, it is a woman's choice what to do with her body, and it is a little different than killing animals. I can see it from both viewpoints. :/

  8. i see what you are saying. i am a vegetarian and a democrat, although the only thing that i have more of a conservative view on is abortion. some people believe that human lives are more important than any other form of life. i say ending a life is ending a life no matter how big or small, strong or weak, smart or dumb, ect.

  9. Honestly, i don't agree with the Bible on some parts. There are a lot of things i disagree about. Abortion is a women's right, and you'd have to be put in that position to understand it. I can't really answer that question since i am on both sides. I do not think the government should be involved in a women's business, but if it was a silly one night stand type thing, it makes me think differently cause they just did it for fun. I do not get why not eating meat has to do with abortion. lol but i kinda of understand where you are coming from. I sorry i can't give you all the information, but this is just my opinion. I don't think that just because you eat meat, you are against abortion. I know people who don't eat meat, but are for abortion. I hope this helped :] Good Luck!

  10. I am against meat eating

    I am against abortion

    I am for freedom, so I believe in the persons choice in their values in life.

    drink beer it is good, if you are legal...

  11. not at all from their point of view.  Many anti-abortion people are very religious and believe that humans are made in God's image.  They see a distinct difference between man and animals. Some do not even believe in evolution, so do not thing we evolved from the same place.  They believe that we do not die but have an afterlife of heaven or h**l.  Few would say that all the animals that are eaten go to piggie heaven or cow h**l.

  12. Murder is murder.  It is not a murder if a human kills an animal.  O.K.

  13. I am against abortion.  I don't think people should get them unless it was medically necessary and I would NEVER have one.

    There are people in this world that care way more about animals than people.  Also, there are people that think a baby is not human until it is developed.  So they don't think they are doing anything wrong by aborting babies and supporting other people who do the same.

  14. absolutely not.  as an agnostic, i don't take everything in the bible literally, nor do I take it as a complete work.  There is much left out, we're on our own to interpret today's problems by ANCIENT answers.  so, we have to fill in the blanks as we see fit, trying to stay in the "good" rather than "evil" path.  it's a pretty easy path to stay on, despite people treating things like abortion and eating meat as things that will seriously d**n you to h**l.  i believe God, if there is one, is all-understanding, not all-knowing.... that is, if you live a good life, saving abused animals, say, and helping your grandmother with her firewood, staying faithful to your wife/husband, treating your fellow man in a way you'd like to be treated.... you do all the good stuff and don't, like, kill anyone with a weapon in cold blood, intentionally hurt everyone around you, you'll go to whatever heaven there is for us.  I don't believe in a God who will stop me at the pearly gates because I had an abortion within that three months before that embryo actually became a fetus, or I ate beef with cheese on Fridays, or, if I'm, say, Jewish, I ate pork.  I believe in a God that IS love, and doesn't quibble over these kind of mundane (yes I just refered to abortion and eating meat as MUNDANE!) things that humans want to go around condemning each other for.

    Let's all have a little of that Godly understanding for one another, what's say?

  15. Wow, it's kind of dangerous to even mention abortion unless you are ready to get yelled at. It's a very strong subject.  As for my personal opinion, no I don't think it's hypocritical.   I love living creatures. My grandpa raises cows, and I love to watch how they interact with him.  I love all living things.  I'm a turtle fanatic, so I personally could never eat a turtle, but as for cows and chickens,  in my opinion, and that's all it is, my opinion,  God put them here for me to eat. That's why they are here.  We should respect them and never kill them other than for food (or warmth if the need presented itself).  I've known many people, my mother included, who survived on the meat that they caught. Hard times call for it sometimes.  To me, to compare eating a chicken to killing a baby is completely different.  God never meant for us to kill each other. That's playing God.  However, from the time of  Adam and Eve, He provided creatures for them to survive  on for food and warmth.    

    Happy day, brave one.   Hope you aren't too battered and bruised!
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