
Abortion what are your thoughts?

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please help i need it for a school yr 12 project i know my views but what are yous???????




  1. I dont agree with abortion unless the person was raped or its a threat 2 the life of the mother!

    U know what ur doing when u have s*x so u should use protection or face the consequences, there are plenty of options for birth control and its not the unborn babies fault.

    I also think that the time u can have an abortion up till is far 2 late as i could feel my baby moving and she was fully there when i went for my 20wk scan but i could of still had an abortion at this time which is awful

  2. It's murder.

    No exscuse you open your legs your put yourself in that position if you don't like it because your immaturity and sexual activity brought a baby into this world hand him.her up for adoption to a family who would love to have that child.

    if you're raped there's PLAN B.

  3. I believe its the womans choice...

  4. Whenever I think of abortion I always wonder, "What if my mother got one? What would have become of my dreams and ideas if she decided that she didn't wish to continue my lifeline? What about my three kids? What would the world be like without them if she had made that decision?"

    I guess I feel that abortion can be devastating because we really don't know who we're killing and what plans the universe has for them and the generations to follow.

    On the other hand, if the baby is very ill I think you should have the option to have an abortion so he or she shouldn't have to live life suffering and being a burden.

    While I would not have one just because I didn't want to raise a baby I don't want it to be illegal for those who choose to abort a severely disabled child.

  5. I believe most abortions are considered by the woman as birth control. Just something to do when getting pregnant. Grab the baby and throw it out like garbage. I was adopted and could very well have been aborted. My life wouldn't be. No one thinks of the rights of the baby, just the mother. It is morally wrong.

  6. ok. dont ask.  I am pro-choice.

    too many ppl on a small planet.

    too many kids that should not have been born.

    too much neglect

    too much abuse ( I was one, hello!)

    too many stupid ppl having kids when they can't take care of themselves.

  7. ITS TOTALLY WRONG....this baby inside you is a living person. even if its done early it is still painfull to the baby. there was a study done when they inject the poison in the womans uterous to "abort" or kill the baby it has been provin that the baby will move away from the solution to not die if it knows between life and death shouldnt it deserve to not sure of the study im sure you can search for it on yahoo.

  8. a babies have a right to be borned!!!

  9. abotion is an choice but i always think what if?

    like what if i had my baby and he would've turned nine today or what if it was a girl?what would her name have been?so i never went through with it and im glad becuase now i have four kids who i would die for....the unconditional love u get is worth all the struggles

  10. its wrong its murder and 3 or 2,000 woman have abortians every year

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