
About 14 weeks pregnant , i dont feel like eating ANYTHING!?

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is it normal to feel this way? almost everything i smell or try to eat is not appealing to me. i try to eat just because my husband is always watching me and making eat. but everything is just so disgusting. i have this yucky taste in my mouth. when will this feeling go away?

ps. i've been taking my prenatals daily , is there still a chance i could be or get anemic?




  1. Hey! I went through the same thing when I was around 10 weeks. I couldn't stomach eating anything so I'd get so hungry to the point where I was throwing up. I've heard it's morning sickness rearing it's ugly head in the form of food aversion.

    This is obviously problematic because if you're not eating, you're baby isn't eating. The only things I found easy to eat were things like cereals, fruit, raw veg and angel delight! Even if its not particularly healthy eat what you can and plenty of it!

    My problem is going away slowly, but if yours persists you need to have a chat with your Dr. so they can help work out an plan for you to make sure you're getting exactly what you and the baby need!

    The weird taste in your mouth, is it kind of like a metallic taste? If so it sounds to me like you could be anemic. Your Dr will be able to prescribe iron tablets for you to take, that should make you feel better.

    Congratulations and good luck!  

  2. hey

    dont worry its ok, im 17 weeks pregnant and feel the same and have done from the beginning its fine as long as you make sure you drink plenty of water if you dont want to eat dont eat, just eat whatever you fancy whenever you fancy, dont have breakfast dinner and t because its not orth it if it makes you feel icky, if youhave an urge for ice cream at 10pm DO IT if you want a pack of crisps at 8am DO IT just have a quiet word with your partner and say look i feel icky please dont MAKE me eat because t makes me feel awful im ok as long as i keep drinking just let me eat when i want and what i want, i had to do hat to my partner because he was watching me all the time and tellin e off when i didnt eat, and it worked :D good luck  

  3. You may be surprised to find that you actually feel better if you DO eat. You aren't giving your body anything to work with which can make you nauseous by itself, never mind having morning sickness as well. Try and pick something that is the least offensive to you and put a small amount in your belly every few hours. Toast, crackers, oatmeal, yogurt small piece of fruit are good options. Keeping at it will help, as well as being sure to stay hydrated, especially if you are vomiting. It will pass, good luck!

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