
About 2 years ago I had about 7 pigeons, now I basically have none. Why do my pigeons keep flying away??

by  |  earlier

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So about 2 years ago I had about 7 homer pigeons then this year I got 3 more different ones, they all seemed to get along and none had ever flown away before but now they just keep dissapearing now Im down to basically none, and i dont know where they went, its so very sad and annoying.




  1. ummm lets see there might be something killing them, you might be letting them fly when it is windy (sometimes the birds are too tired and not strong enough to confront the winds and come back home) or sometimes they just fly away. I've kept pigeons for a while and i've lost many that were good flyers but still flew away for the h**l of it lol...i suggest you clip your pigeons wings..not exactly clip, but pull out the wing feathers..not all of them!!! there are blood feathers so get them pulled out from someone that is good at it. It doesn't hurt them because those feathers are dead. It's just like a haircut for us, it doesn't hurt. Leave the first 3-4 feathers though. Taking out the feathers makes them un able to fly so they will stay close to home. And after about a month or two they will grow back and they will fly and come back home everytime, unless a hawk attacks them that is.

  2. maybe something is killing them.

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