
About AGRICULTURE. want to earn 10 points?

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Target concept: AGRICULTURE

Subject: Plight of the Farmers

Statement of the problem:

Assume that you are the duly elected representative in Congress of KASAMA, an organization of farmers in your country. You are given the chance to present the plight of the farmers to the congressional body in its freedom hour.


PS: this is not a assignment for me. I am just asking you dis just to ask questions and choose the best answer.





    The number of farmers has dwindled to the point  that what happens to farmers no longer matters. We are too small a demographic to matter.

    What may matter to those who feel they matter would be continuity and perhaps quality of food supply.

    We have so few farmers that the more important question for our government would be to ensure that farm labour gets a fair shake, that the land is protected from erosion and other degradation, that market swings do not take too many hectares of crop land our of food production, or into too few crops.

    To farmers, concentrating on too few crops is not a problem. We can grow all our land in a single crop each year to keep our equipment bill low.

    We can allow our land to become degraded and sell it for subdivisions... what does it matter to us? It is the people who eat that have to care.

  2. Dear members of congress: the weather is the biggest plight of farmers. Sometimes it rains when we don't want it to rain. Sometimes it doesn't rain when we want it to rain. Sometimes we get hail, and it destroys our crops. Right now several of our members have ice covering their wheat, so it would be nice if it would warm up to melt the ice.

    So, please, members of congress: enact legislation to give us control of the weather.

    Sincerely yours,

    Members of KASAMA.

  3. Speechwriters ANSWER this question or you will be thrown to the gallows and only fed bread and water.  The queen has spoken!!!!

  4. no thanks for ur 10 points

  5. My fellow countrymen...

    The farmers of this great nation have united together in hopes of spreading the word of a great injustice and in doing so hope to change the way the world takes for granted the necessary job of the farmer. People need to realize that farmers feed the world.Yet, it is the farmer that absorbs many of the increasing costs of production...because, it is not the farmer that sets the prices for the product he produces, it is a board of trade. So, a farmer can not increase the asking price of his product even if the asking price is currently less the the cost of production. Whenever food prices go is usually blamed on the farmer, but...the general public does not realize that there is only about 10 cents of wheat in a loaf of bread and 10 cents of corn in a box of corn where is the increase in price coming from? ..who gets the profits? NOT THE FARMER, that is for sure.

  6. I'm sure you just thought this question up for fun.   do your own homework

  7. i dont want 10 points

  8. Farming has over the past twenty years experienced extreme problems that started with the imposition of Milk Quota's in the early 1980's, the BSE crisis and the recent FMD slaughter. It seems that trust between farmers, Ministers and DEFRA have become dislocated and an atmosphere of distrust has developed.

    This trust between the governing body and its primary stakeholder is not only regrettable it is catastrophic. We need to see a breaking down of this siege mentality and a new atmosphere of cooperation exist for the good of the industry. It is crucial that the Minister is is in touch with the problems faced in the rural community and should come from a Farming Constituency and not from a City one where he or she only gets briefed by mandarins in Whitehall who have little concept with the daily activity of rural life.

    When the Minister empathises with those directly impacted by the unilateral actions of DEFRA, it is important that the Minister represents the balance between the needs of the state and the practical considerations of the industry. Farming is not the same as other sectors as if left soley to market forces the supply and price of food becomes unstable. I would urge that DEFRA rethinks its approach to dealing with its responsibilities and finding ways to make the farmers ability to obtain a fair return for the product.

  9. i dont like to have10 points

  10. We feel that we do not have enough freedom

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