
About Acupuncture, What is it?

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What is it?

What it involves?

Where it originates?

Advantages/ Disadvantages?


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  1. It's where the stick a whole bunch of needles in u to get rid of stress.

  2. acupuncture is the used of pressure using fingers usually thumb for 3 points,it originates from china...advantages it is relaxing..can manage simple stress.its good for headache,hypertension..disadvantage for patient having edema....its cost inexpensive...thanx

  3. I agree with truthrules...

    I've had acupuncture for years (and the person that mentioned it being done by fingers is talking about acuPRESSURE not acupuncture). It is VITAL that you find someone that is actually good at what they do when you get it done, and you can find people who charge less, or offer 1/2 hr appts as opposed to 1 hr appts. I pay $35 for a 1/2 hr, $60 for an hour. the other reviewer was saying, it deals with your body being incredibly interconnected. Basically, there are several meridians running up and down your body. These meridians are just lines, basically, that correspond to different organs in the body (for example, the heart or lung meridians). These meridians, based on Chinese theory, correspond to various ailments (i.e. anything from insomnia to chronic pain to fears to headaches...and more). The acupuncturist will take a thorough list of your ailments, check them against what they know, pick the meridians that need the work (this is incredibly oversimplified). They also use the yin/yang theory as well...i.e. yin-female, yang-male, yin-cold, yang-hot, etc...and they'll make notes about things like that as well...that helps them to know if there is a deficiency or an excess in that particular meridian (and the point on a meridian). They'll also likely take notes about foods that you're drawn to or you can't stand, and how much water you drink, etc...all gives them vital information.

    I hate needles...and if you are bothered by them, you can let the practitioner know and there are various sizes of needles, they can often just use thinner ones. As the other contributor said, sometimes you'll feel it (often like a bee sting), sometimes you won't. I've never had any disadvantages, unless you count not liking needles...huge advantages...

    I know that was all a bit confusing, although I hope it helped! good luck! also, I'm not sure where you're at, although in most areas there is usually some type of acupuncture board that you can contact to get a solid referral.

  4. Here's some accurate info about it:

  5. It is an ancient Chinese practice of placing needles into your skin, not enough to go in deep, but mainly on the surface. This is done to reduce chronic pain as well as cure other illnesses. Studies show that it does have some effect on reducing pain, but it doesn't really matter exactly where the needles are placed as an accupuncturist would claim it would. There is no scientific evidence to suggest it works to cure any illnesses but many individuals believe it works.


    I see other people disagree and believe that the location of the needles is crucial. I understand why they would believe that, but if you look at the scientific evidence (actual studies) it simply does not support this. Feel free to believe those people, but their information is simply emotional and based upon personal experience.

  6. please don't go by the other posts!!!! I've used acupuncture and it's a very complex medicinal treatment. In short: the entire body is interrelated and the more balanced your body is the better it works. The locations of the needles are crucial and must be exactly placed for optimum benefits. It isn't painful and some areas you don't feel at all; but you do feel "sensation" of some sort when the needles are inserted. It gave me great extended relief for joint pain - which numerous doctors told me "learn to live with it". Was also good for stress; which can truly constrict muscles and leave them knotted and painful.  For example, the arthritis in my finger was relieved by needles that went into my toe and when I moved my finger my toe curled - it was a direct link from my toe to my finger - the entire body is a complex network that interacts. I found no disadvantages. My first experience was not a good start and I found another doctor that was better. It's important to know that after the initial treatments you may actually feel worst, as your system adjusts; I instinctively felt that my body was "cleansing itself". I paid $50.00 per session that also included chiropractic adjustments (cracking your body feels great!). My doctor studied in China (a major plus, as that's where it originated) as well as in the U.S.  I LOVED IT!!!

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