
About Adopting A Child?

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0 LIKES UnLike i would like to adopt my nephew who is currently living in India with his parents and two brothers. His parents have agreed to the idea of me adopting him. He is 14 years old and he also is happy about the idea too. I am married and have one daughter who is 18years old, and we all would love to have him come live with us. How do i go about starting the adoption process, and would adopting my nephew be possible. Does anybody knows or could tell me more about the procedure?




  1. got to this site

  2. I am an Indian and i'd like you to get a view point of whats typically an issue with Indians. SOME OF US (thankfully NOT ALL) are obsessed with the idea of living in the West and would give anything to live in the U.S. Its like "Magic Kingdon" to those with little or zero exposure to the West. Your nephews parents must be ordinary middle class and they must be looking at this as an opportunity to give their son what they consider in their minds a good life. Ofcourse there is nothing wrong with it morally as you are aware of what could be every one's intention. Ofcourse at 14 don't expect this boy to think of you as mom. You are just this golden ladder to the magic kingdom.

    Could i suggest you sponsoring his education, visa, and his stay with you till 18. And avoid the hassles that could come with this family.

    Its my humble opinion and i could be judging them all wrong. I apologise if i assumed too much. Just wanted to give my opinion since you asked.  

    And yes you should read CARA guidelines. (Its the Indian goverment site)

  3. Contact the authorities of the area he is living in and ask them of the procedure in the area, it may be different than where you are living.

    I would also recommend that you went to India and spent some time there to get to know the place and the people you would be dealing with if the adoption went through.

    You would have to go through the Indian adoption system and then the system of the place you live.

    Good luck.

  4. Why would you want to adopt him?  Why doesn't he just live with you while he remains your nephew & you his aunt?

  5. You can adopt a the child of a close relative from india as a "family adoption". Here is a link to the CARA website.

    Adopting a child above age 6 seems  to be an exceptional case, so I'm not sure you'll be able to adopt him.

  6. Consult with an international adoption attorney first I would think.  Good luck!  What you're trying to do is admirable!

  7. There's a section on this website about adopting a relative: Best of luck xx

  8. It would definetly be possible as you are relative. I think you'd have to ring social services and stuff.

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