
About Agriculture?

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Hmm, 3 questions here:

How are agriculture products extrated, refined and distubuted?

Answer in point form please.





  1. In short, a crop is planned and grown by the farmer. Most farmers have a market established before they crop and harvest to avoid any loss due to post harvest "issues" like non-specific fungi or loss of freshness and food value/ manufacture value. That crop is either sent to a wholesale receiver or they may even pick up a product if market ready. The crop will generally need to be sent to packaging either at that facility or to another where it is readied for market or for distribution in lots to manufacturing. Processing is done if needed and then distribution to retail. I am a firm believer in keeping products local and as you can see, a great deal of cost is secondary handling and shipping (fuel). Yes it's a lot of jobs but the cost goes to the consumer and it don't get no better.

  2. So much depends on the product you are talking about. If you asked about one product in particular you would get a good answer but agriculture products in general would take a book to give you an answer, and you need it in fifteen minutes, forget about it.
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