
About Anthro.?

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I like learning and thinking about human behavior, but i definately don't want to be a pshcologist or doctor like that. I heard that anthropolgy is like that. Can anyone tell me about it?




  1. ba bow

    i study anthropology..actually i am a double major in sociology and anthropology and while these first two answers above mine make good, no chance.

    anthropology is looking at culture/s - generally those defined as such by not being western cultures, hence 'otherness' in anthropology.

    sociology is society which i am head first in to right now. society, society structures, where it all went wrong etc etc etc

    but i think the methodology is where u may find ur answer. in anthropology they use ethnography which is the systematic study of a culture most generally by going out and actually living with said culture for long long years and years even. there are plenty of them out there. look it up.


    and i do enjoy it, just in case u were wondering!!

  2. I hear human ethology, human behavioral ecology, sociobiology, neurobiology and neurology are A LOT more like that.

    Human behavior is best accessed from a scientific perspective.

  3. Cultural Anthropology is not going to do you much good. Behaviorism has been out of favor for quite a long time.

    In archaeology, however, there is a fairly consistent focus on behavior, and the field is much more scientific.  Of course, it is much more difficult to determine behavior in archaeology, since you must work backward from its results rather than observing first-hand, but the field also has the major advantage of actually dealing with the entire timespan of human existence (as opposed to focusing solely on the recent past)

  4. Well, there's doing research in the field of psychology -- you wouldn't be working with patients, but studying people from a psychological perspective.

    There's also sociology -- and the intersection of those two: socio-spychology. Again, you could be a researcher in those fields, studying why people act as they do.

    And, yes, anthropology is yet another relevant field, looking at how one's culture effects one.

    There's nothing prohibiting you from taking courses in all these fields. It would broaden and deepen your understanding of each, and give you a chance to see which approach you find most appealing.

  5. Anthropology is one of the three Social Sciences. The other sciences are Psychology and Sociology. Anthropology is the study of man over the ages. The people who are in the other two sciences often use what Antrhopology uncovers.

    Psychology is specifically about the human mind. Sociology is the study of cultures around the world. From what I know, you could probably be a mix of some of them, and be a researcher of human behavior. You could also go and try being an Archeaologist. They do a lot of stuff like digging for fossils, and they use what they know of Sociology and Psychology to infer what it means.

    There are many things that you could get into with the three sciences. Do some research of what you are thinking about getting into. You might find something great for you.
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