
About Battery Charge Cycles?

by Guest60210  |  earlier

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Please answer because i want to know.

If i charge a Recharge battery up half way 50%, is that a half cycle (0.5) or just a cycle (1). OR

If i used my Laptop on battery, and i used it half way to 50%, and i charge it from there, is that a half cycle or a full cycle.

Full cycle is: from 0-10% to 100%

Half cycle i don't know is from: 50% to 100%, is that still clased as 1 charge cycle if so i would have to drain my batteries till there dead, might aswell use the hole battery up.

Please help, Thanks.




  1. One charge cycle is one discharge(not necessarily full discharge) and one full charge.

  2. Assuming you are talking about regular consumer electronics, you are most likely dealing with Lithium Ion batteries.  In that case, a charge cycle will consist of a full charge, so a charge from 50% - 100% would be half a charge cycle.  Lithium Ion batteries, however, should not be fully discharged regularly, but charged frequently and for shorter periods.

    In other words, charge your battery whenever you need to and try to avoid draining it completely.

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