
About Computer Windows User Accounts?

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I own a laptop I bought in April 2005 (Windows XP Home). You know there are user accounts? The computer has six user accounts. Which is the correct system for the amount o storage for user accounts? Is it that the computer's memory is split up into six parts, and each user has one of the six parts as his limited account memory storage, or is the meory not split up into parts for each user, but a whole for every user, and there isn't an equal limit for every user? If you understand what I'm saying (it's very confusing, I know, very), then please answer my question.




  1. User accounts use disk space, not memory. They use as much as they need, unless you enable quotas in which case they use up to the quota you assign.

    Generally only one person uses a PC at a time, so that user will get access to all the memory (RAM) while they are using the PC. The exception is when you enable fast user switching, which suspends user sessions. In this case suspended sessions will share the memory - but Windows can page a lot of a suspended session to disk.

  2. Well, you're sorta on the right track. Okay, so if the hard drive were split up into definite parts with definite boundaries, that's called a partition. Partitions and user accounts are different. User accounts take up as much memory as is left on the hard drive. all of the user accounts share one partition of the drive. The drive isn't evenly split between the accounts. If a hard drive partition has 50GB on it, and 2 users, one user could use up, say, 12 GB, and the other could use up 38. However, If there are two partitions, and each of the two users saves all of their things (installations, documents, downloads) to a different partition, then one partition could be 15 GB, and the other could be 20GB, but neither user can exceed that amount of memory. Am I making sense?

  3. The administrator can set quotas for each account, but normally any user can use as much storage as they want.

  4. Well the real account is the administrator see which account has administrator text under it thats the real one..

    and no the memory doesnt splits all accounts stores on the same memory but cant install things unless the administrator made those accounts unlimited.. if you make those account limited they cant install or use any program.. and cant access your documets

    having six accounts its really not recommended you should get rid of them cause it may actually slow down your pc

    hope this helped..  

  5. in the context of your question, 'memory' is not really the correct term as it could confuse matters - there is computer memory (ram) and then there is the hard drive on which everything is physically stored.

    anyhow, each user account has certain folders created for it for the storage of that users files, settings, favourites etc - there is no limit on how much disk space any user can use unless that has been configured on the system but that rarely happens outside of a work/commercial environment.

    you can see each users' files and such in this folder:

    c:\documents and settings\<USERNAME>

  6. It depends on how your disk is partition, usually all 6 share the same amount of storage on C drive.

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  7. dude all the user accounts have equal  importance u can delete or customize any account using any of the account so dont get confused !!!!!!!!!!!!!!and the memory is not divided  so dont be scared !!!!!!!ok!!!!! hope i was helpful.......!!!

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