
About Contact Lenses & Glasses?

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I used to wear glasses, but I switched to contacts and until after 2 years of wearing them, my new doctor strongly recommended to switch to glasses again and switch with contact lenses once a day. I had forgot to do this and now i'm completely adjusted to contacts only. I just got my new glasses today and i know it will take some time to adjust. My question is, will my eyes be adjusted to both glasses and contacts? I really don't believe thats possible though so I dont get the logic in switching them.




  1. The logic in wearing your glasses more often is probably because he is seeing signs that you are over wearing your contacts.

    It's important to give your eyes a break from contacts if you want to continue wearing them for several more years.

  2. I've been wearing rigid gas permeable contacts for years now. The few times I've worn glasses, it may take 15 or 20 minutes to get used to them. My eyes adjust back and forth easily.

    I guess for a short while, it may make you a little uncomfortable but you should get over it.

  3. after awhile, your eyes will get used to both contacts and glasses.

    because one day you'd wear glasses, and the next day, contacts. eventually, your eyes will adjust, as long as you don't forget to switch.

  4. You'll see clearer with the contacts, but just adjust to one or the other. If the difference is creating a problem the prescription may be off in the glasses. I'm sure he had some reasoning to tell you not to wear contacts as often, you might just not be wearing them correctly.

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