
About DIF wallpaper remover!!? emergency!please answer!!?

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me and my dad are trying to get the painted wallpaper off of my bedroom walls and we're using DIF. i was just reading the back of the bottle and it says it contains chemicals that cause cancer!!

OMG and i got this stuff on my arm i've probably even breathed it in

i'm scared does anyone know what the risks are with DIF? who has used it before??

is it safe for me to be staying in my room with all the dif sprayed pieces of wall still on the floor and on my stuff (yes, on my some of my stuff because we havn't moved furniture yet)

i swear that's it im not getting cancer just b/c i want to redo my room!! my family has had absolutely no history of it and we're not gonna start now and i don't want it to be me.... or my dad omg no. what else is good to use to remove painted wallpaper? fabric softner and water, vinegar and water? anything else??? we have a paper tiger.

help thanks!!




  1. First off... it's okay, you're FINE.

    Secondly, the carcinocenicity of DIF is neglible... probably a diet soda spilled on your arm will cause cancer faster than DIF.

    Read the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for DIF (see link, below) and you'll see it's NONcarcinogencic:

              Carcinocenicity: This material is not considered a

              carcinogen by IARC or NTP and is not regulated

              as a carcinogen by OSHA.

    Wear safety goggles or other protective eyewear and rubber gloves wouldn't be a bad thing, but otherwise, DIF is fine.

    Hope this helps,

          TX Griff

  2. I would already be dead if that was the case.

    You can also use a vinegar and warm water solution, fabric softener and water, or just warm water. Or, even better, you can rent a steamer if your going to have a panic attack over the DIF.

    You need to relax, if your going to survive in the "real world" your going to be in contact with dangerous things all day.

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