
About Endangered species?

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I am writing a <b>g*y</b> paper for english about things that effect the Environment or something like that!

i decided to write a paper on Endagered pandas because Idk!

Does anyone have a good reason how endagered species effect us and the way we live?

i may change my topic!

does anyone have a good topic?





  1. English Composition is the easiest thing to learn in the world. You hate English because you are lazy. But as far as Endangered Animals, I don&#039;t care about them.....they all taste good.

  2. Look hun, all these people are givin u these complicated answers, so y don&#039;t i just answer your question straight?:

    The ecosystem is like the whole earth, to keep it in balance, we need all the animals because that&#039;s how nature stays &quot;balanced.&quot; Like the food web. So endangered pandas are part of their habitats ecosystem... you could talk about how bamboo plants might over populate without them.

    And you could be mushy by talking about how they have as much right to live as we do... so there you go!


  3. a different topic would be BEES

    honey bee population has been on the decline and nobody knows why  - some suspect air pollution - some suspect cell phones are confusing the little guys

    if BEES die out - it is expected the human race will only live for another 5 years...

  4. WHY the fricken Panda everyone and there dead cousin has done it on the fricken panda,Be original research an endangered species in your own state or province where ever you live something that people can relate to find out WHY it is endangered and what needs to be done to help it along write about a local species plus the teacher is sick and tiered about reading papers on the fricken panda and even if the report is not that well written you may get extra marks for an original paper on an original endangered species in your area

  5. Oh, don&#039;t be that way...English writing is hard at first, but you can figure it out.  

    There is a Miami Sierraclub webpage that helps students learn/write about endangered species in Florida that might help. - that one is the bear.....  try esa1.htm for the Key Deer.  There is also a manatee one, but I have lost site of it at the moment.

    The main reason for wanting to help endangered species is called biodiversity.....having lots of species available on the planet. Bad things tend to happen when you lose a whole species. The predators that fed on them die out too, and the food supply of the lost species may suddenly explode in population and take over an area and crowd out other species. Plants and flowers are effected also.

    Good luck with your paper.

  6. If you chose pandas, then idk. but we lose a plant species, some we use for food, every single day. plus we lose animals we use as food too

  7. endangered species affect us in many ways. One of them is that they help to keep their habitat stable. That is why they are there in the first place. THey are important to the stabilization of the overall ecosystem

  8. Every species have its importance in nature and their effect after their extinction differs.  

    1. The species on which they (endangered species) are dependent for food will flourish extravagantly.  

    2. Endangered species may be helpful in propagation and reproduction of some other species (pollination, seed dispersal, breaking of seed cover, etc….), if they get extinct those species will also come in danger zone.  

    3. Last but not least one important creation of god will get extinct, one more species again only in books and pictures.

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