
About Hillary, she showed her insecurity by holding on with dear life to a husband who cheated and disrepected

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her time and time again, in private and public life! Is this the golden boy the Dems have to run our country? A sniveling esteemless doormat with a bad case of ignorance? You all need some therapy if this is what you aspire our country to be led by! Tsk tsk! How utterly insane and weakminded Hillary and her supporters are. On the other hand, it cracks me up and I love that you all are so simple!




  1. All politicians are the same. What so great about the leaders we have now?

  2. Hillary may have been really in Love with her husband a lot of women forgive their husbands and don't want him to leave her for another woman especially if she already has children by her husband unfairly this is very common Hillary did what most women would do especially if she still likes her husband and that is sad to say

  3. A country that has such strong religious beliefs, you would think they would admire someone who did the christian thing and forgave.

  4. she didn't forgive, it would have been a political outrage... Slick Willy and Hillary. They are no more Christian than Hitler, Christians don't cheat on their wives and lie about it, but when it gets so publicized he admits it..pleeeeeze...( rolling eyes )

  5. she showed her committment alright

    her commitment to gaining absolute power at any cost

  6. Though I wouldn't vote for a candidate who sidesteps questions with a cackle. But didn't it occur to any of you the reason she didn't divorce Bill was to keep making his life a living h**l?

  7. Actually she showed her commitment.

    I'm still not voting for her.

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