
About Italy?

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Can you explain me why English people love Italy so much? I'm Italian and I don't love Italy and italians. My country is so weird, full of art and garbage, kindness and arrogance... Honestly, what do you like of Italy? Tell me, so I can learn and love it too!




  1. There are special parts of Italy that just radiate charm, Rome, Venice, Florence for example (actually I think that is it).  The rest in my opinion is practically third world compared to it's close neighbours.  I have been to many parts of Italy on many differant occasions,'s very dirty and run down.

  2. Sorry I don't like Italy, I went to Rome for a week and 27 people in our hotel were mugged in that week. I was 14 at the time and I had old men rubbing themselves up against me on the bus, I was with my parents and grandparents too!

    Rimini was ok, Venice is filthy and last year on a cruise we docked in Livorno....What a s**+thole that was.

    I was engaged to an Italian but after staying with him and his family for 3 weeks I called it off.

  3. i totally agree. italy has gone down the drain many years ago... we're jus a bunch of rude ppl who think they know it all and that they can-it-all. we used to be a great country around th '50 till the '80s yeah... but it's over now

  4. The food the weather the history the culture and the semplicity of life.

    Alessandro - Italian and Italy lover

  5. Ciao,

    I am Italian and work as Tour Manager with British groups in Tuscany. What these people tell me is that they like italian heartiness and Italy's art. In the turism world Italians can be very good, not always and not everywhere I agree, but most of the time....Plus we have beatiful countrysides and for sure our cuisine and wines are far better then these people are used to. Do you agree?....

  6. i absolutely love italy!! i went there w/ a friend last summer and i honestly cant wait to go back! i met so many amazing and friendly people, i saw some of the most beautiful historic sites in the world, i ate delicious, fresh cusine everyday. the fashion drove me insane i wanted to buy everything!! there arent too many rules ( ex. drinking age!!) the guys are HOTTT!! & funny! and their is always something to do! i never had a bored moment. i guess its easy to get sick of a place youve lived forever but appreciate it b/c you live in a lovely country!! you wanna switch!!?? .. i live in wash. dc!

  7. i like italy because all my family is there and its so different from here and because i am italian american and speak italian. i love going to italy, especially the beaches they are the best over there.

  8. friendly italy;))))

  9. I like Italy because that is where my girlfriend is from.  I have never been there, but her, and her family are the greatest people I know so I can only imagine what the whole country is like.  I think y'all might have the same name.  I call her Vale short for Valentina, guess that's a common name, but it's my favorite.  She wants to stay in the US when she graduates though so I am not sure how much she loves it.

  10. non so dove viva tu... immagino in qualche grande città magari... ti dirò io vivo in trentino e non mi lamento...

  11. Valentina, i'm italian too and i  totally disagree of what you say.

    I love my country and i think that we must appreciate our land, our cities...we don't have to look everytime to  others . Every country have its imperfection.

    Italy have sun, good sea, mountains,  art, history .... logically there are also problems, but i think that is normal !

  12. Frankly? Speak for yourself.

    I am Italian and I love Italy! We live in a nation full of art and history, and we should be proud of it. I think that it's normal for a country to have some sort of problems, but I think you have gone too far, exagerating your sentencies and embarassing us all in front of our YA foreigners friends.

    From what you say, Italy seems much like a third world country instead of a very modern and civilized one. I can't understand why you had to generalize so much! There are Italians and Italians, and of course there are beautiful Italian cities full of art and life and on the other hand there are anonymous towns where there's only garbage and unemployment. You cannot judge a whole country only from what you  experienced in a part of it, it's unfair and it's wrong.

    I invite you to have a trip in my living town, Salerno, which is next to the Amalfitan Coast. i will show you a clean city, a beautiful landscape and a lot of friendly people.

    Anyway, if you are not happy about the country who raised you and who granted your education, your health and your security until now, you can leave, no one will stop you.

    As the ancients said:"It's best to have five lions than one hundred sheeps."

  13. Da Italiana??? Non vedo l'ora di andarmene da sto paese. Giuro appena posso me ne vado in qualsiasi posto dell'Europa Occidentale o in USA. Hai ragionissima... guarda un po' dove andremo a finire. La politica fa schifo, le città inquinate e sporche (clamoroso esempio Napoli ma anche Milano e Roma), nelle piccole città non c'è niente da fare. E poi odio la falsità di moltissima gente, l'arroganza ecc... e meno male che l'Italia è kiamato il Bel Paese... ma dove??? Aprite gli occhi e imparate a vedere bene!!!


  14. i got married in Italy, first time there, thought the people were incredibly rude, will never go there again. Had  good day though, coz I was happy to be getting married.

  15. Hello,

    I am Italian and I've been living in the Uk for 18 months 'cos I thought Italy wasn't a nice place for living...I was totally wrong.

    Not all it's cracked up to be here.

    People are friendly,weather is dreadful,food is acceptable even though i cook italian stuff quite often.

    You should try to move somewhere if you hate the place where u live but remember that the grass is always greener (on the other side of the fence).

    Good luck!

  16. ciao!!!!

    anke io sn italiana e nn capisco perc alle people piace!!!!

    a me nn piace tropoo..... ci sono troppi proplemi!!!!

  17. tutto il mondo e' paese!!

  18. Ammazza quanto siamo scemi noi italiani, nonostante gli stranieri continuino a ripeterci che il nostro è il paese migliore del mondo, noi ancora non lo abbiamo capito.

    L' unico problema dell' Italia, sono gli italiani stessi che non hanno un briciolo di amor proprio!

  19. Da italiana, mi faccio la stessa domanda...

    La mia città è così grigia, piena di smog, il rumore del traffico, il grigiume, la sporcizia ovunque!

    Penso che all'estero l'Italia sia così amata perchè un po' c'è il mito del Bel Paese di una volta, perchè da turisti le cose si vedono cmq con occhi diversi e perchè cmq sia di bei posti ce ne sono davvero, prendi il Trentino, l'Umbria, le coste della Sardegna, per esempio!

    Il fatto è che nelle nostre città si dovrebbe più tener conto della pulizia fondamentalmente, una mia amica è stata in Cina, mi ha detto che ad ogni angolo c'è qualcuno che pulisce costantemente, se iniziassimo a rispettare e far rispettare certe regole, scopriremmo la bellezza anche in quello che per gli altri è il Bel Paese!

    A volte penso che trasferirsi nel Nord Europa sarebbe davvero l'ideale e spero presto di visitare qualcosa, dovremmo prendere esempio dagli Svedesi (ad esempio!), si dice che li si viva benissimo.

    Purtroppo ho visto solo Parigi (molti anni fa) e recentemente Praga e Vienna, Praga è spettacolare, magica, se non l'hai mai visitata te la consiglio!

    Vienna anche è molto pulita, ma Praga è sensazionale.

    It's the same question that I ask to myself.

    My city is grey, there is a lot of smog, garbage, traffic and noise everywhere!

    I think that English people loves our country beacause there is the myth of "Bel Paese" of one - time and cause if you visit a country on holiday is always different!

    We have really beautiful places (Sardinia, Tentino Alto Adige, Umbria, for example), our problem is the filthy of our roads, we must learn to respect our country, our city, in that way we will discover the authentic beauty of our country!

    P.S. I do not speak and I do not write English from much time, I have forgotten all !




  21. I used to like Italians, until coming on this site, everyday there's so many questions from Italians having a dig at the UK for some reason or another.

    Ive been to Lake Garda, Como, Milan, Florence there all very beautifully cities and the people seem nice, maybe its just the YA ones that are arseho*es

  22. For me its the people the food and the amazing history.  I have been to Italy several times and had very little negative experiences to speak off.  The funny thing on my last trip to Radda I spoke to people who wanted to leave to live in America. Like you I had to ask why?  I guess with all you have in your back yard to start to not appreciate what you have.  Think if you had to pay $1000.00 for a plane ticket and to see Roma or Radda or would be much bigger to you than it is.  I hope you can learn to love your country that so many of us have family that fled to come to the US for a better life long ago..For me I long to get back every year to enjoy the sun and beaches and to learn about me past.  You are so blessed to be there!!!
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