
About John Lennons "Working Class Hero"?

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Who was he talking to?




  1. well it wasnt him he was just a lazy drug addict

    kevleeds hahahahaha i live here nobby fairy stories they are about them druggies get a life hahahaha

  2. do you mean what is he talking about as opposed to who is he talking to.if you do its about the British working class joining the army

  3. I don't think he was talking about one single person. The song reflects the means of the ruling class to control the society (the working class), and the power of organized religion.

  4. It was a statement for working class and all "higher" classes, but to tell the truth I think he just quite simply thought it sounded really good and that's from a John Lennon obsessed dude.

  5. John Lennon was talking to each and every one of us. We pretty much grew up like that.

  6. He's talking to anyone who will listen - anyone who will identify with the sentiment of the song.

    It's about alienation - the mismatch between the expectations of society and the aspirations of the individual.  Some people seem to be taking the metaphors as literal which, I think, must diminish their appreciation of the sentiment behind the song.

    It's not a song that offers any solutions.  Even the idea that 'A working class hero is something to be' is pretty much unrelated to anything specific in the song.

    As a song, it feels raw and powerful until you get under its skin when it really becomes a bit ... ineffectual.  It is best to go with the raw emotion and not probe too deeply.

  7. ....fighting the system.....

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