
About Laser Surgery?

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Does laser surgery hurt? and how old do you have to be to get it?




  1. Lasic for ur eyes????

    what are u talking about

  2. 18,

    it doesnt hurt as such but it is very uncomfortable,

    also its not 100% safe, there is a chance of it making your vision worse and even making you blind.

  3. this is how it looks like

  4. You have to be old enough for your eyes to have stopped changing.  I had LASIK about 8 years ago and am glad I did.

    They numb your eyes before doing the surgery so it doesn't hurt but can be uncomfortable.  They also gave me a Valium(which they prescribed to everyone)  Which helped me relax.

    The healing was pretty quick, you just follow their advice and it goes smooth.  Your eyes might feel strange for a while but it goes away.

  5. I have just been looking into it and went for an appointment at an eye hospital to see if I am suitable, I was so am on the waiting list. I think it is not a very pleasant operation and hurts a bit, but it is not horrific and you can be out and about the next day. age wise I am 29 so age was not discussed, but I would imagine you have to have got past a certain age as your eyes change as you get older, but do not know what age you would be refused. My prescription still occasionally changes (gets worse) but not has much as when I was a teenager, so probably once you are past teenage years you would be a better candidate for the surgery. I really want to do it, but there are risks and SOME people can have their sight ruined, although that is pretty rare. The only thing that is really putting me off is that most the opticians I see have not had it done, and some have said to me that it is bacause they are concerned about the long term consequences, which are still not fully known as laser surgery has not been around long enough. However, most operations are successful so i am still seriously considering it, so sick of contacts and glasses! (I am about -4.50, so petty bad!) Good luck!
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