
About Madonna's Confessions Tour?

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Why were the following songs songs from the Confessions Tour forbidden in the USA:

Live To Tell (Madonna on a Cross)

Sorry (Remix)

Drowned World/Substitute For Love

Paradise (Not for me)

And Most Importantly:

Lucky Star

Please if you don't know about the others i need to know about Lucky Star.




  1. I am just wondering what does she have left to confess about?????

  2. i suppose you are referring to the NBC special?

    time constraints is the #1 factor....the special was so badly chopped up... most of the songs werent forbidden...just cut due to time constraints.

    there is no definite answer as to why Lucky star was cut, other than the timing issue, again.  Also it wasnt the full performance of lucky star..but a shortened version of it.  she allowed NBC full range to make the decisions as to what stayed and what goes.  She allowed them to edit the cross portion ONLY because she was still allowed to get her point across in regards to the orphans (you could clearly see the pics of the children, etc).

    the cross was edited out cause this country likes to make a big d**n deal about things so irrelevant.  NBC was afraid to lose supporters and advertising - it was all about $$$$ and not wanting to "offend" all those ridiculous crazy people.

    there was nothing blashphemis about the cross. Anyone who saw the show could tell you it was an extreme expression in her plight to save orphans - and it was executed beautifully.  definitely a highlight.

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