
About Obama's VP Joe Biden?

by Guest34121  |  earlier

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How is this change.

The L.A. Times just popped a big story the Obama-Biden folks don't want to be reading the night the Delaware senator introduces himself to the nation: a potential conflict of interest involving Biden and one of the nation's biggest asbestos litigation law firms — which also happens to be his top contributor.

The report seems to provide fuel to Obama supporters enraged Illinois senator picked a running mate with such deep ties to the D.C. cash-politics-lobbying world.




  1. There are many  question that need to be answer about the Mayor from Alaska Palin .We know Gov. Sarah Palin has some baggage that makes her a pretty risky choice for McCain: she's embroiled in an abuse of power investigation, was for the infamous "bridge to nowhere" before she lied about being against it, is pretty cozy with corrupt Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, doesn't exactly know what the vice president's job actually is, etc., etc.Palin is not ready to be president .

    OBAMA BIDEN 2008

  2. Obama is new to Washington and needs an insider to run the gauntlet for him if he wants to accomplish his goals.

    Its how politics works.

  3. Hmmm.  Kind of like Nancy Pelosi investing a pile of money in T. Boone Pickens' natural gas/wind/solar energy plan while having the power to influence legislation that can help make it a reality.  

  4. you don't have to be black to support change.

  5. We will never hear this on the Democrat news channels, will we?

  6. As Alice said about the Dems..curiouser and curiouser

  7. Mccain picked someone who is under FBI investigation

  8. Whats the question?

  9. Shhhhhhhhhh,you're not supposed to post this. It bursts their Utopian balloon.

  10. "Change" means nothing if you can't get a bill passed. The VP sets and steers the l;egislative agenda of the Senate. Biden is supposed to be some type of great parliamentarian. He knows the strange rules of the Senate and the in and outs of getting bill through Congress. "Change" means nothing if you can't pass a bill. thanks Joe!!

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