
About Pharmacy Technitian

by Guest10866  |  earlier

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I graduate as a pharmacy tech but i never worked as a pharmacy tech. I graduate 5 years ago and now i regret not working in it. what can i do to go back in the pharmacy tech field? thank you.




  1. What I did right after I finished pharmacy tech school and obtained by my state and PTCB licenses/certification was volunteer at a hospital inpatient pharmacy.   I came to work early and stayed until I was no longer needed.  I impressed the pharmacy director and he hired me right away because I showed initiative, a desire to learn and be the best and I was serious about entering into this career field.

    If you want to work in the retail sector, I would ask the pharmacist on staff if they would be willinig to hire you eventhough you have no experience.  If you are certified and have your license, I know they will take a chance on you if you show a strong desire to take this career seriously.

    p.s.  Make sure you license has not expired and also you are still continuing to take your required CE classes.  I would consider purchasing a drug reference book and start studying the top 200 drugs and their generic counterpart.

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