
About Rice?

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Is rice the most popular food in the world?




  1. Yes it is the most popular food in the world  after the potatoes.

    when many variation of rice dishes explored America this became very popular among the restaurateur,chefs and hoteliers. Name them and they are all over the world. I travel a lot since this is a part of my job and in every corner of the street in the world they served rice dishes. Forget  the Asians this is their staple food.and also they made pasta out of it. they made rice milk  which a lot of vegetarians in the world used them.And also  don't forget the famous rice wine. Risottos of Italy , paella of Spain ,Chinese fried rice,Biriani and Jasmin rice from India ,sushi's  with Japanese rice and Arabic rice dish was all over Europe. Latin countries and the entire South America they have their own rice specialties since the Spanish and Portuguese  teach them  how to eat the risos when they discovered them. In Caribbean  don't forget the famous rice and beans in all the islands. Mostly now a days when the counts of vegetarians and vegans increases , rice is one of the most popular one.

  2. Dodgeball, this would be needed to have been surveyed with the all millions people of the world. However, it is most eaten in Asia, about everyplace in Asia and nearly most of Africa. It does seem the most popular anyway.

  3. With all the differen't cultures being blended together, the differen't styles of Rice are almost limitless. One popular quality about it in many areas is that it is very filling, as it expands in one's stomache.

  4. Yes it is, and it is far more satisfying eating rice than eating bread or potatoes. Try it, and you will know what I mean.

  5. Probably - since it's eaten daily in Asia and that's a good proportion of the world's population.  But, in America, I wouldn't say that it's the most popular.  I'd think that pasta and potatoes are more popular starches here ......

  6. possibly, i no alot of diff cultures and places eat it, but i'd say bread, whenever you hear peopel talk about basic food its bread and water or bread and wine, and even if you dont eat meat u can eat it! =)

  7. One of the most common

  8. Yeah Its Eaten In All Over The World Especially in China Because They First Made it There. Also Rice Has Been Around Since The Early Chinese Dynasties.

  9. I'd say it's right up there. I eat it almost every day and I'm not Asian.

  10. I think it is, I eat it almost every day! my mom told me there is a shortage on rice, so that's why is it getting expensive to buy.

  11. Maybe not THE most popular food in the world, but

    certainly ONE of THE MOST popular.

    There are infinite ways to prepare and eat it.

    If you want, make yourself a batch of Mexican style

    rice along with a pot of pinto beans. The beans you

    can eat them right out of the pot or you can make

    re-fries with them. Either way, combine the rice and

    beans in a bowl and eat them with a few corn tortillas.

    The rice and beans together make a whole protein.

    You'll never have to eat animal meat again.

    You can have red beans and rice, New Orleans style

    as well. Loads of protein there too!

    Good eating!!!!

  12. Yes, it is eaten in many different countries including china, japan, india, australia, america, lebanon, afghanistan, greece, turkey, italy and spain.

  13. Pizza is the single most popular food in the world.

  14. I think so, it is a staple food of most country. I am from Phillipines and live here in America and this is the most popular food through time I think..

  15. In the poorer country's they eat it a lot because it's so cheap even when they come to Australia it's just there way and they still eat it a lot. So it is very popular plus you can flavor it in so many ways.... =]

  16. I don't know if it is the most popular food in the world, but it is the most eaten grain in the world.

  17. Yes, there are so many different varieties of rice, different dishes.. etc.. Every country probably eats rice, or atleast has one dish that contains rice.

    I eat rice everyday.. I'm part filipino, so we always have rice in the rice cooker. lol

  18. Probably, since it's a staple in China and India, the two most populous countries in the world.  I love it, too!

  19. i think it"s true .

    reason - it's easy to cook . it's easy to emport and export . it"s available on low price . it"s easy to cook . it" healthy  .it"yummy . it has may way to cook

  20. Maybe in some place,the rice is the most popular food in the world.Such as in China.

    All over the world,Chinese food is one of the most characteristics food.Whether it's diet method or cooking.Chinese food has also been applied to many countries.There is a website about Chinese food.It's provided by China Service Mall---The worldwide greatest reservation center for China service.You can browse it and you can find what you want.

    I wish you'll happy every day!

  21. yes its pretty high up there because theres so many varations of it and every culture eats it

  22. Probably

  23. It's probably the most popular staple food in the world...far outpacing bread, potatoes and pasta.

  24. yes i have it like every day     but   its getting hecka expensive

  25. I don't think it would be the most popular, perhaps the most eaten.

    Different regions would have their own most popular, like pasta for the Italians etc

  26. Not in the whole world l think. I'm sure in India etc, it's mainly flour.

  27. World production statistics in 2003 showed that total Rice production was 588.6 million tonnes, Wheat 549.4 million tonnes and Maize 637.4 million tonnes. Now, knowing that bread is made from Wheat and also Maize it would appear that Bread would be the most eaten food in the world. It has been eaten by humans long before rice became a staple diet in many countries. This does not mean that it is the most popular food in the world. I'm sure KFC or McDonald's would like argue that their food products are the most popular in the world.

  28. As far as I believe, yes, rice is probably one of the most, I wouldn't say popular, but abundant foods in the world. It is a staple to most of the world. Different kinds of rice, but it's rice. I am Vietnamese and rice is served almost every day for lunch and dinner. Bread and pasta are not the most popular food in the world. It isn't even available in every country, but it is quite popular in America and Europe.

  29. It is one of the most popular foods it is eaten in over almost all of the far east and middle east and almost half of Africa and many other countries not only that but it is also a big diet thing now so yes it is up there.

  30. not sure if it's popular, but it's definitely the staple diet of asians everywhere.

  31. Before I answer that question, think about the billions of people in China and India. What do they eat? What do Japanese, Koreans, Indonesians and the rest of Asians eat as staple? RICE!!!
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