
About UK National Lottery?

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0 LIKES UnLike Few days before I played euromillions game in the above website and I got a mail from my retailer . Followinglly they are asking me 155,000 Great Britain Pounds for my Ownership and Legality certificates and with that they have also asked 200 GBP for my winner certificate. Is this is true or by knowing my participation anybody is trying to extort money from me. Whether UK national lottery asks any amount for clearing the prize amount to the winners.




  1. This is a very common scam.  Ignore it.  You didn't win anything.

  2. one thousand one percent SCAM. dont pay anthing at all. u will never see your money back again.

  3. This is the spam going all round the globe so please do not think of such things the UK national lottery is one of such scams never belive on the online lottery portals as they cheat people.

  4. Take no notice, it's just a scam.

  5. its one of the biggest scams going. If you go onto the national lottery website it will tell you all about the frauds that are going on. Dont part with any money.

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