
About Urinal Phobias?

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Whenever I go to the toilet in public bathrooms I WILL NOT use the urinal - Even if noones in the bathroom.. I always have to wait and use a cubical and it's also embarresing because people might think your not just going for a pee.. Is there any way to get over this phobia?

I haven't used a urinal now for at least 2-3 years..




  1. I dont use them either!! Its just a strange fear! I cants actually take a pi*s if i think someone is listening either!!

  2. just be comfortable with your body and the bodies of other guys. sometimes i freeze up when other guys are at the urinals. you just have to relax that is the key and realize we are all guys doing our business

  3. I have that same trouble, sometimes i find i can go in the urinal but the toilet has to be quite and usually empty but if i hear someone else having a pee then i can often start.

    I think my problem is also down to my being g*y, i often think other men in the toilet might think i'm up to no good, because i'm pulling my d**k out for a pee and i hate it when there are other g**s in the toilets hanging about to watch me.

    Most of the time if i want a pee in a public toilet at a urinal i find it best to follow a quite clearly straight guy in and stand near him, if i see him pull out his chopper that tells me ok to go, his not interested in me and it doe's help to hear him pee, bit like a tap being turned on.

    However you must relax and the worse time to try and go is when you have avoided going for sometime and held it, that means you just have to stand there and keep repeating inside your head i'm gonna start pissing and when the next bloke walks in and starts going i find i usually go, only thing ever truly bothers me is if a copper accuses you of hanging around being pervy, happened only once to me in brighton but i was so annoyed i shouted i'm trying to start a p**s and said have a look, i'm not hard, he did look cause i showed him my d**k and he just said sorry mate carry on.  

  4. Well, you should start with small steps.  You should start off by just going for it in an empty bathroom, in which you know no one will be in.  Even I worry about people staring at my p***s, so I sometimes make a mini-blocker with my hands, it usually works.  But there is always some awkward uneasiness whenever people use the bathroom. Just take small steps

  5. Hey Curtis what are you afraid of? Just feel confident and ignore everyone around you.

  6. I was the same it's called pee shy it took me till I was in my mid twenties to get over it but you have to be determined to relax and get on with it

  7. dude first list the reason you are scared. THERE IS NO REASON TO BE SCARED. all you do is p**s without sitting down?

  8. hmmmm,,,,,, i dont have a phobia of urinals, but i allways rather use a toilet than a urnial, to be honest, i wouldn''t worry about it, if you knew the amount of p**s that gets splashed back or sent airbourne in tiny particles, that p**s isnt just yours.  

  9. i know what you mean! i was always scared some pervert would look at my weenie but one day i said eh i'll just use the urinal and i was kinda scared and it ws awkward peeing next to people but no one really looks...i always pee next to younger people though bc the old guys creep me out so that might help.

  10. just be brutal with yourself one day walk in ... and in your head tell yourself you can and you will do it, and hopefully this will solve what seems to be a confidence issue with you .

    good luck


  11. It might surprise you to know that many guys have this same issue . I certainly have no problems if no one else is in there and once I have started it doesn't matter if another guy comes alongside . Where I have a problem sometimes is when I go in and there is only a space between  two other guys , I find it difficult to start the flow even if I am busting

    Particularly as you have no issue with size I think you can probably overcome this fairly easily . Try and walk in confidently and hopefully there will be plenty of spare urinals . The usual courtesy in a gents is that you keep your eyes firmly ahead and should not be looking at other guys . Try and start sooner rather than later as the longer you leave it the harder it will get !!

    Good Luck
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